Komentar :
Aulia Caesar (23/03/2018 05:50)
Pengerjaan plakat rapi dan cepat, harga pun bersahabat. pelayanan sangat ramah. Recomended bikin plakat atau kenang2an lain👍
Nuri A (15/03/2018 03:03)
Mulyo Creative has their system of transaction very systematical, i made two orders and they handled it rapidly. I ordered gold plated badge with a logo on it.
The first result came up within 7 days, but it wasn't really pleasant since i found the badge texture is very bumpy and not as smooth as i expected.
For the second order i already made my complaint about the issue that i have with the first one, therefore, they accepted my comment and the result turned out to be so much better and satisfying!
Lusiana Haryanti (10/03/2018 21:58)
Bikin plakat buat moderator. Overall bagus. Tapi logonya ngga dikrop. Jadi terlihat kotak putih.
D Sugesti (15/12/2017 08:25)
very good place to buy badge and pin! thanks alot..
Argika Sari (09/10/2017 14:50)
Not too expensive, I think its very good there are so many trophy, medal , placard and many others
bis pak (26/10/2017 07:37)
Toko Perlengkapan Pramuka dll
krisna bayu (22/08/2017 23:13)
Produk piala yang berkualitas
Gunawan kartawijaja (14/08/2017 17:53)
Lengkap dagangannya bisa. Pesan sesuai pesanan
Mas Tomy (04/06/2017 10:00)
Tempat pesen barang creative
Moh. Wahyudi Pratama (29/03/2017 04:47)
Hasil pembutan pin.a memuaskan...
Smoga selanjut.a lebih memuaskan lagi...
Trimaksih Mulyocreative.
Yudi Ismanto (14/01/2017 13:09)
Jasa pembuatan piala, plakat, souvenir dan sejenisnya yang perlu dijadikan pilihan utama.
Taat Waluyo (06/08/2016 16:46)
Pilihan lengkap untuk kebutuhan plakat, name tag, id card dan macam2 piala.
Norine Richie (25/06/2016 08:59)
Terima kasih mulyo creative. Logo pesanan saya sudah saya terima. Hasilnya memuaskan, pengerjaan rapi dan bagus sekali :)
Angga Bambang Waluyo (21/11/2015 04:20)
Pesanan dan harga sangat memuaskan
Asa Ujay (06/03/2015 07:27)