Komentar :
Gusti Nuhari (13/03/2018 13:17)
One stop place to buy almost anything. From sewing equipment, accessories to clothes!
Try to stop by, but avoid to visit on the weekend. The place will get so busy.
Jodhie Panggalih (05/01/2018 04:08)
They have pretty much complete collection of accessories. But it's quite expensive.
rio budi prasetya (03/01/2018 14:27)
Great place for your hobbies, especially in creating girl accessories
Maulia Hikmah (03/01/2018 03:18)
Affordable place and so much stuff offer :3
yustinia kusumastuti (09/09/2017 06:21)
Handycrafters will fall in love with this 😍😍You can always find various kinds of objects for creative needs with regular prices. Shopkeepers are handy.
Nariswari Ratu (01/11/2017 17:51)
Sell so many stuff, from clothes, hijab till sew kit. If you love to create so much stuff, try to stop here.
vaniaoctaviaa (08/09/2017 16:52)
Lengkap sih,, tapi pelayanan tiap hari beda , harga juga beda.. masa hari ini beli ring harga 2500, besok beli jd 3000, besok jd 4000, terakhir jadi 1250.. kan aneh -_- trus kalo nanya ada ini gak mba,, dijawabnya cuma "oh adanya ya disitu aja"... akhirnya jadi cari sendiri,, eh ada... kannn bkin emosi -_-
Sutra Uthe (26/07/2017 03:43)
good really really good
Enno Loveya (19/06/2017 14:29)
Toko ini jual aneka pakaian, kerudung dan accesories... Pilihan banyak tetapi tempat terlalu kecil.. Klo sedang banyak pengunjung berdesakan dan susah milih barang...
Alfia Kusumartika (13/06/2017 07:32)
Recomended kalau mau cari cari jilbab murah di Magelang, disini juga ada berbagai macam aksesoris, dekorasi rumah
Ivah (08/06/2017 06:22)
Ada alat jahit, fashion perempuan, dan pernak-perniknya lengkap. Bikin kalap. Beli tiga harga lebih murah.
angky indiawan (26/04/2017 23:10)
Good place for shopping
Niken Susanti (04/04/2017 14:57)
Komplit....alat jahit...jilbab...gamis...murah
Sia Dai (18/03/2017 00:48)
So easy to find tailoring supplies here, easy and also cheap :))
Yohana Galih (20/01/2017 12:44)
Keren semua keperluan menjahit dan aksesorks
Percetakan Rafanda (02/01/2017 10:16)
Toko yg lengkap utk berbagai keperluan jahit, jilbab dan pakaian wanita.
agung swandana (29/12/2016 03:30)
Murah& lengkap
Lukman Arfian (21/12/2016 02:41)
Toko aksesoris dan alat jahit yang sangat lengkap
corazon Mizuki (17/07/2016 01:34)
Lengkap banget untuk perlengkapan menjahit..
diva zerlinda (03/10/2016 14:59)
Lengkap, tapi panas tempatnya