Komentar :
ari prass (06/12/2020 10:01)
Buy a new laptop here with the Avita brand, just use it for about 3 weeks, suddenly it doesn't want to turn on, try contacting the CS, told to go to the shop directly, the same, bro, I tugged on the power button for a while and it turned on again, when you asked why it was like that, the answer was "normal Windows. like that, it kind of likes to hang when it is turned on ",
My question is whether a laptop that is just a few days bought will always be like that ???
Jiddan ixF (12/11/2020 04:53)
assalamualaikum sis, I changed the ram a few months ago there but after that it was often blue screen I thought it wasn't the ram but after checking it turns out the ram is the problem, can it be replaced or what? because the warranty card is gone, my brother said. thanks.
Karliyah Dwi (03/09/2020 03:52)
Friendly staff
edi utoro (22/07/2019 11:41)
ulfah laely (19/07/2019 00:22)
edi san (04/05/2018 01:22)
Toko Laptop Banjarnegara
Nabila Nurselina (09/04/2018 02:46)
Toko komputer dan perlengkapannya, juga bisa servis komputer atau laptop disini. Servisnya pelayanannya bagus, kerjanya cepat, bertanggung jawab, dan terpercaya. Jadi tidak perlu khawatir jika bagian dalam elektronik anda diambil tanpa ijin :)
Kurnia Fitri (01/02/2018 04:56)
sangat senang dan asyik berada disini ,ilmu saya lebih mendalam
Andri Setiawan (15/12/2017 08:02)
Toko komputer dan perlengkapan gadget lainnya.
YAN MEIDY UTOMO (31/03/2017 00:17)
Toko Hitam-Putih (Toko ES-KA) ni toko komputer gadget & peralatan maupun perlengkapannya yg lengkap & komplit ini dekat dengan rumah Banjar negara. Pelayanan grapyak-semanak, familier, ramah, friendly, cepat, cekatan, tangkas. Harga menawan/bersahabat.