About Gladiool
Gladiool is a hospital, located at Jalan Kenanga 4-6, Kemirirejo, Magelang Tengah, Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56122, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 293 362702, visit their website www.gladiool.com for more detailed information.
Nikodemus Gunawan
" the hospital was nice, clean and the entire facility looks interestingly modern, and the wife to my older brother was here when she was having a baby 5 years ago "
04 February 2018Heri Susanto
" pelayanan bagus..dr doddy nya ramah, walau mahal tp puas bsuk klu lairan lg pgn di situ lg..mksh pak doddy👍 "
22 September 2017Daniel Satyaputra
" Kedua anak kami lahir di RSIA Gladiool dengan dr. Doddy Sutanto, SPOG. Harganya memang lebih mahal dibanding RS swasta lain di Magelang, tapi pelayanannya excelent. Keep the good work pak Doddy. Gbu...
18 August 2017Rest in peace dr. Agung Sutanto, SPOG... "
Roosephine Candy
" Neat,calm and clean place. The services are great. "
16 August 2017Daniel Satyaputra
" Kedua anak kami lahir di RSIA Gladiool dengan dr. Doddy Sutanto, SPOG. Harganya memang lebih mahal dibanding RS swasta lain di Magelang, tapi pelayanannya excelent. Keep the good work pak Doddy. Gbu... "
30 June 2017Yuli Agnanto
" 2x lairan anak SC disini.dokter,perawatnya profesional semua, ga akan nyesel. Simply the best di magelang "
22 April 2017Faisal Rizal
" Menerima peserta kartu bpjs tidak ya ... "
13 March 2017Agung Swandana
" Bagus & bersih, nyaman. "
17 February 2017Dirmawan Hatta
" Kind of homey and quiet hospital. "
12 October 2016Slop Hitam
" Tenang... "
07 October 2016Yudha Bimo
" Suster disini ramah ramah "
15 June 2016Danu Djojosoemarto
" Affordable IVF. Best service for parents to be, also the most affordable ivf in Central Java. "
24 May 2016Ãlief F
" Bagus si tapii.... "
21 April 2016Tsaqib Muhammad Nur
" All 3 of my daughters delivered in this hospital, the doctors team, lead by dr Doddy was great, the room and nurse warm n helpful too... Nice place 👍👍 "
09 July 2015Imroah I
" Mantaps "
13 June 2015