Komentar :
Choerul Mustofa (20/11/2020 22:59)
quite spacious place. it's a bit hot because the vegetation is lacking. all good paved pages.
-Add a nameplate or description for each field, which is the first time here will definitely be confused about which part of DGH, etc.
-Parking arrangements for vehicles, so that motorbikes and cars are crowded and tidy.
-Mushola pay more attention to cleanliness, sometimes there are lizard droppings everywhere. give a hint for the place names there, no confusion. musholla is located in the corner, left, back, right?
- Add menu at the canteen.
Advokat Harmono, SH MH (22/05/2019 09:49)
Sebagai Pengacara pengadaan (procement lawyers) saya sering sekali ke Dinas Ini untuk mengamati pelelangan proyek.
Abdul Aziz (03/10/2018 23:51)
Tempatnya lumayan bagus
bee _29 (23/12/2017 04:57)
Jurukunci Banjarnegara (20/09/2016 00:51)
Kantor cukup representstif