Komentar :
Hari Agung Prasetyo (11/05/2018 09:22)
enak tempatnya
Fajar Wahyudin (15/04/2018 12:53)
The one and only cinema in town..
Imaduddin Al Fikri (01/04/2018 06:06)
The sofa(or chair?), sound, and screen was not that good compared into xxi, cinemaxx or cgv. But hey, cilacap has only dakota
Nugroho Yuniartono (06/02/2018 16:17)
nice place to spend your time, good enough cinema for a small city, the movies played here are quite up to date though for a small cinema
ibrahim mailbox (28/11/2017 06:59)
Good place to hang out (watch movies), reasonable fare ticket. Some point need improvement: layout of the lounge, n sound setting doest fit to my ear, too loud (subjective case)
dzaki alfan (20/08/2017 08:01)
Well it's gonna be enough for citizen in this small town but, the stairs should've any lights that shows row of seats, it's litle bit confusing to search any seat for who doesn't know where the seats are. For anyone that knows 7.1 audio works well this one is only 5.1 so that's not enjoyable, plus we've not enough sound proofing, that's wierd because another studio bass or sometimes an announcement can be heard inside of studio
i kadek duta waringin (27/06/2017 15:47)
Not a big cinema, but the one and only cinema in cilacap. You may find a long line here during holiday or maybe out of ticket.
Muchamad Sarifudin (19/12/2017 14:09)
film update, tempat duduk nyaman, studio bnyk
Yufi Kartika (25/11/2017 09:58)
Good cinema, clean, updated movie
yonanda dewi (14/09/2017 07:37)
Suryana Aruan (17/08/2017 15:56)
Still needing more improvement such as the snack corner, online ticket selling, and the theatere it self
Bobby Rama Jaya Rahayaan (05/08/2017 07:14)
The one and only Cinema in Cilacap
LH PHOTO (14/07/2017 16:31)
Nice theatre
giant PATI (13/07/2017 11:38)
Setidaknya, untuk kawasan kabupaten sudah ada bioskopnya bgitu.... walapun interior dan eksterior studio 3 aneh, tetep trima ksh dg arsiteknya...
Tri Hardono (23/06/2017 09:17)
Setelah menunggu bertahun2 akan bioskop di Cilacap akhirnya hadir juga bioskop ini, kualitas bioskop lumayan baik, namun kapasitas penonton kurang banyak dan studio yang hanya sedikit lumayan membuat kesulitan yg mau menonton dikala akhir pekan. Namun list film sangat up to date sejauh ini.
May Krisna Sari (08/05/2017 05:39)
the only one cinema in town 😃
ikan kecil (25/04/2017 07:37)
Lumayan.. Untuk hiburan warga cilacap dan sekitarnya. Terutama cilacap bagian barat yg gak bingung klo ingin nnton bioskop hhe..
Way Aryo (19/04/2017 23:46)
Kemarin nonton ff8 ga kebagian tiket,akhirnya nntn danur,bioskopnya bagus utk kls di daerah,cma syang tmpatnya trlalu di dlm kota,cba kalo di skitar gumilir ato proliman,jd pnnton yg dari kecamatan ga kejauhan...
junjungan mizar (19/04/2017 05:26)
Tempat masih baru. Studio hanya 3 ruang. Pelayanan masih buruk. Tempat tunggu dan tempat pesan tiket juga masih belum tertata. Kamar mandi masih under recontruction. Pintu keluar belum jadi.
Faris Labib Fi'ilmi (16/04/2017 04:56)
Kemarin mampir kesini udah rame aja, sayang masih soft opening tgl 14 april kemarin, tetapi film sudah tayang lho, tiket nya jg masih jadul, toilet dalm wc masih dlm proses, karena lokasi nya di pasar gede cilacap/borobudur, parkiran nya sempit, dan pelayanan tiket masih tidak teratur, overall semoga kedepan semakin baik buat dakota cinema
Iman Firmansyah (21/03/2017 12:46)
Segera hadir bioskoo dicilacap pertamax