Komentar :
Al Vito (26/05/2018 04:57)
..t4nya cozy..
Muhammad Fahri Priambudi (29/04/2018 01:13)
Good and standard 1-star hotel. Very suitable for those travellers who need one or two nights stay. They also have spacious garden and parking lot in their backyard.
Unfortunately the water is running low at superior room 101 and air conditioning is completely unusable. And the ceilings above dining room is blackened with.. I don't know. Something black for sure. The same thing happen with the swing backyard. They really need to replace the swing's awning. I hope that the hotel owner can improve their overall conditions. Nevertheless, two thumbs up!
fransiskus yuno (18/02/2018 03:38)
nani kusumawati (31/12/2017 00:44)
Ambil kamar suite 1,2 kamar 2 hari, meski tdk ada jatah sarapan ternyata dikasih juga sarapan gratis,kamar luas, ada r santai, satu suite bisa tak isi 4 orang, saat booking ditraveloka hari sabtu masih 4xx rb hari senin dah rp 5xx rb, umumnya memuaskan, toilet tdk ada sikat gigi dan odol ,sandal kamar berlogo hotel juga tak ada tp tak apa krn sudah bawa sandal sendiri,hanya jadi tak punya kenang2an
lydia djajadi (30/12/2017 06:18)
Nice place, nice enviroment and so many culinery...and nice people too...
Fachri Reza (25/12/2017 01:05)
facilities are great, great price too for a family room
Ardi Pramono (30/09/2017 07:35)
Heritage guest house
maman harjono (13/11/2017 03:38)
Tempatnya aman,nyaman dan tenang
Sudarjo Markawi (11/11/2017 01:34)
Bagus buat bermalam crew film karena lokasi strategis
Berty Susanto (16/10/2017 04:10)
Perlu renovasi
Safira Tasya (28/08/2017 14:06)
budi ws (23/07/2017 00:38)
Menginap dgn pilihan hemat dan mewah
dealova belok miring (03/05/2017 00:59)
mantap harga bersahabat diliburan