Komentar :
Dian Nurcahyo (02/06/2018 13:09)
Sekolah , pendidikan dan pelatihan kerja perhotelan dan kapal pesiar, penempatan PKL dan Bekerja di Hotel Luar Negeri, serta Penyaluran Kapal Pesiar.
Ichwan Nudin (20/09/2017 14:26)
Very good place to get hotel placement in asia and middle east
Fery ry (20/09/2017 14:23)
The first way going to work on abroad especially cruise ship and land base hotel
Kenny Siagian (03/05/2017 12:38)
this place for who want to work in the hotels industries
Lukmanhay 31 (29/08/2016 06:43)