Komentar :
Yanti Twinners (11/02/2018 16:01)
Ada toilet. Ada kursi dan bbrapa meja untuk sekedar istirahat dan ngecharge hp. Tidak ada ATM
Ariawan Ong (02/12/2017 15:41)
Deket rumah. Pioneer alfa di kawasan puri
alfa hericuk (06/08/2017 16:53)
Like this
Stefanus Sugiarto (11/05/2017 08:59)
Conveniece store with limited space and selections. Parking space is also limited to say the least.
abduh muhammad (14/05/2016 04:04)
No respect to customer. 14/5. 10:06
Dian Krismiyanto (17/11/2017 06:41)