Komentar :
Ulfah Hidayatullah (01/06/2018 19:32)
Judulnya sih bandara international... Namun kondisi bandara kurang layak untuk hal apapun, baik kapasitas fasilitas, pelayanan dan banyak hal. Bangunan bandaranyapun lebih tepat disebut dengan terminal dari sebuah bandara. Well... Pemerintah atau pihak Angkasa Pura ya? Bisa lebih memperhatikan kenyamanan penumpangnya.
George Inaldo (31/05/2018 09:19)
The Airport needs to expand right away.
Too many passengers waiting to board, at very limited space.
Parking is also been too small for the number of passengers passingthrough this airport.
Fajar Fajar (26/05/2018 12:22)
Service and management was super GOOD!
Love the way staff handles the aircraft passengers nice, polite, informative full of smile willing to help, and the management provide the “takjil” for moeslem people who’s fasting for free! Quite good, if only the airport was modern and the access to this airport dont have to cross the trains stopping, I definitely give the 5 stars to this Airport, because the terminal need an upgrade. The Furnish, the floor, clear up the sign, i heard the new terminal is still in development. Cant wait to see the new terminal
Pandu Dryad (09/05/2018 16:54)
Terlalu kecil bandaranya, dan maaf, lebih mirip seperti terminal bus karena saking kecilnya. Ruang tunggu yang di dalam (keberangkatan) sebenernya udah cukup nyaman, cuman ya kapasitasnya juga kurasa masih terlalu kecil.
Lalu ruang tunggu yang diluar (kedatangan & keberangkatan sebelum cek in) juga sangat terbatas kapasitasnya, dan juga panas banget kalau cuaca siang cerah. Nggak kebayang kalo musim liburan seperti apa.
Minimarket ada, tempat makan di area ruang tunggu bagian luar nggak terlalu banyak pilihannya.
Kaiden Micah (22/04/2018 11:57)
Prepare for chaos upon arrival if there are multiple aircraft.
There are only two carousels, one of which is actually a straight belt. If the baggage owners don't have a chance to grab their bags before the end of the belt, then the bags can fall off the end and pile up on each other. I personally found it amusing, however if bringing a family through, and not being prepared, I could imagine some may find it intimidating.
Krisna Nugraha (20/04/2018 12:23)
Too small to cover the passanger within high season. Otherwise it quite neat and clean Airport. The baggage service area are not representative yet, two flight at once, and the crowd is similiar as in the Johar traditional market.
Adil Abdillah (16/04/2018 07:44)
Things for sure to see the good airport from my subjective perspective are clean toilets and tidy room, polite and good manner services and all around airport knowledge from staffs, full and equipped facilities for customers, well functioned air conditioners, fast response and clear information from airport's helpdesk CS.
From 1 - 10 scale, 6 would be worth for this entity.
Afif Mas'udi Ihwan (12/04/2018 22:38)
Di lokasi parkir sekarang ada smooking room yang juga sekaligus tempat ngopi, tempat charge laptop atau hp tentu tersedia. Nyaman sambil menunggu jadwal flights. Bandara ahmad yani sedang dalam pembangunan, jadi untuk tempat parkir motor ada diujung bandaran dekat dengan masjid, untuk keluar bisa melalui smk panerbad. Saat sedang ada jadwal landing pesawat dan penjemputan seringkali macet, apalagi ketika ada kerera api lewat. Untuk sekarang lebih aman jika ke bandara lebih awal karena semarang mulai macet dimana-mana.
Prasetyo Budi Widagdo (11/04/2018 04:58)
Pada awalnya Bandara Achmad Yani adalah pangkalan udara TNI Angkatan Darat, dahulu lebih dikenal dengan Pangkalan Udara Angkatan Darat Kalibanteng. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Bersama Panglima Angkatan Udara, Menteri Perhubungan dan Menteri Angkatan darat tanggal 31 Agustus 1966, maka Pangkalan Udara AD diubah statusnya menjadi Pangkalan Udara Bersama Kalibanteng Semarang. Namun karena peningkatan frekuensi penerbangan sipil, maka pada tanggal 1 Oktober 1995, Bandar Udara Achmad Yani Semarang menjadi salah satu Bandar Udara di bawah PT Angkasa Pura. Bandara Achmad Yani berubah menjadi bandara internasional pada tahun 2004 setelah Garuda Indonesia membuka rute Semarang-Singapura.
rizkha destianri (07/04/2018 00:19)
Quite a nice airport. Love the WiFi connection. Hahaha.
Well, I don't actually now how to rate airport, as long as the employees are nice, helpful, the area is clean and tidy, works for me.
The flight and its crews is another deal.
It's accessible and affordable.
I'm waiting forward for another trip here and there.
Has some good photo spot.
Reni Sartina (20/01/2018 05:49)
What I notice from this airport is besides using Bahasa Indonesia and English to announce the flights it also uses Javanese. It has some photo spots inside the waiting room describing the tourist attraction in Semarang. Great. But I think it will be better if this airport is widen
Erwin Erwin (26/11/2017 08:02)
Semarang has a good and clean international airport. The airport is located north of the city of Semarang and easily accessible via public transportation such as taxis and city buses. The size of the airport is small but very crowded visited by people. The airport also features many shops selling food.
Shita Rahutomo (19/11/2017 12:41)
Small airport but comfortable enough. Hopefully will build bigger next year. But the toilets are clean enough. I got traffic jam in an hour so I decide to walk.
Nur Chalim Wachidah (11/11/2017 01:33)
Too crowded and the queue for baggage is too long since the airport is quiet small. Also need to improve the availability of transportation from airport to destination location.
Daniel Wicaksana (18/10/2017 22:23)
Its a small and simple airport. Expansion is expected soon nevertheless. The place is well kept and clean considering its a busy airport transferring passengers between SRG and CGK
nia nurdiansyah (08/09/2017 00:03)
Small but quite representative. There are Starbucks and Periplus that add a values to this airport. Free internet corner in the international departure.
Laela NS (04/09/2017 11:52)
Small airport...they don't have damri bus. It would be nice if they can provide this damri bus.
Marina Kartikawati (28/08/2017 03:02)
1. Masuk bandara harus antri karena xray scanner hanya ada 2
2. tersedia jasa wrap and strap
3. checkin queue will be so long during national holiday
4. there's starbucks, working space, circle K, smoking area inside waiting room
5. use airport taxi on the left of arrival gate for fixed fare
Stephlynn W. W. (20/08/2017 15:46)
Pretty small and dirty but overall pretty good. The Periplus here has many new arrivals too, good books. The Starbucks smells a bit bad, though, kind of smells like cigarette smoke and the drinks made aren't so good. Pretty decent airport, I suppose, but could've been better c:
Rofik Dawami (24/07/2017 23:22)
Bandara internasional, bandaranya kecil dengan tempat parkir yang kecil, tidak ada juru parkur sehingga sangat susah untuk parkir atau keluar saat jam sibuk..
Tempatnya bersih, toilet cukup bersih..
Donny Kristiono (24/07/2017 22:06)
Pro: international airport
Con: too small for international airport. Long queue for almost anything. Parking space is too small
Jessey Kok (17/07/2017 10:14)
Small airport.. long q at the immigration.. slow in baggages claiming.. heard that there is another terminal coming soon.. can't wait for the new improvement..
Abid Affandi Wedatama (09/05/2017 10:40)
More improvements coming up, this small airport will have a new terminal to accommodate the number of passengers.
Kris 5217 (25/04/2017 13:46)
its ok, rr... the restroom is ok but it its cleaner that would be good
Iris Mueck (22/04/2017 01:17)
Way back in the late nineties, when I have been in my job, I used to change planes here to fly to Kalimantan in one of the little aircrafts. I remember an old Dass... As little the airport is, as nice it is. A lot of facilities. As usual cleaning could improved...😞
Ezra Saputra (21/04/2017 17:10)
Very small airport. The arrival room is so small and very crowded. Taking baggage experience is not good.
L Widjaja (12/04/2017 05:26)
More improvements coming up. For an international airport, Ahmad Yani is way too small to accomodate number of passangers coming and going. The worse part is the entrance, parking space, and exit are all in one. Which make it ridiculously hard to enter, park, and exit especially on peak hours (however, it is jam packed from 8am to 8pm). So, should you plan to fly out from Semarang, plan your trip to the airport early.
Januar Adnan Murwalistyo (10/03/2017 12:35)
Not even worth 1 star. Mushala for praying is sucks, sound from the speakers not even clear
Bastanta Lubis (02/01/2017 09:21)
For international airport this airport is too small, very crowded despite the time being is end of holiday, this should not a big deal. Seems this airport belong to Indonesian Army.
Francis Wibisono (28/12/2016 20:15)
Although this airport is considered as "International", but seemingly it's terminal's infrastructure doesn't say so. The facilities here is pretty much on par with other Indonesian "local" airports, such as Adi Sucipto in Yogyakarta. Try not to take too long at the airport, especially at the departure, as it is outdoors.
Monic Andyani (24/11/2016 15:36)
For an international airport, this is by far the worst airport I have ever been in my life. The waiting area is nice and convenient. However the infrastructure doesn't appeal as an international airport to me.
If you're arriving to this airport, expect nothing than a gross luggage claim area with a dysfunctioned trolleys, the good trolleys are being monopolized by the porters!
Anthony Aurelius (17/09/2016 04:45)
It has been renovated now so in my opinion, the waiting room expanded and it isn't hot anymore here. Like this place. Hope it gets better.
Isays Sampesule (26/11/2016 13:30)
Fasilitas harus dibangun terus. Pelayanan dan kebersihan harus ditingkatkan.
Bobby Sumarkho (13/11/2016 02:02)
This airport needs serious major upgrade. Has not changed much in years.
Gatot Widayanto (19/08/2016 08:59)
Was here in May 2016. When I arrived, I thought there would be a lot of coffee shops for me to work on my laptop. It was not. Only Es Teler 77 that provides chair and table to work comfortably. The Dunkin Donuts cafe is actually quite decent - but it's silly ...no power chord; how can I work?
This airport has limited coffee shops at arrival. But for departure, it's quite OK, there is Kopi Luwak there ....