Komentar :
Ruru 96 (04/10/2020 19:17)
The veterinarian practice which is open from the morning, from several veterinarians who have visited the clinic, dr. Khairil is the most super explanation method, nice to listen to, the explanation is long + detailed because I have been to a veterinary clinic where the doctor is economical to say if not asked, just come for syringe, uh, it keeps going home for less than 10 minutes so it doesn't feel like when I go to the doctor's clinic, the level is different. The point is how this doctor explains it compared to other doctors, maybe because he has eaten a lot of salt acid, the doctor also has a lot of experience ????????
I had heard some unpleasant stories about this clinic but after coming to her own place it felt inversely proportional to what people were talking about about this clinic, then finally concluded maybe because the doctor was just an ordinary human. treating cats with problems until it resulted in some negative reviews from some people,
There is also a minus of the clinic, it just feels unethical to mention here, the minus is that this clinic can be covered up because the doctor's explanation is quite detailed without having to ask the doctor to explain at length,
Unfortunately, the doctor's office is quite far from the location of the house, so if you want to come here you have to prepare another budget for those who can't ride a vehicle / car
Sterile prices in this place are also said to be the most affordable, so the reviews hopefully help, don't hesitate to check here just because you heard some negative reviews from people, thank you.
Jessy Lia Maulina (01/10/2020 07:55)
The place is not far .. The doctor explained really details and the treatment was really ok .. Great
Yasmin Audina Putri (25/06/2020 10:28)
Dokternya ramah dan mau banget ditanyain macem macem. Ga nyesal kesini. Bahkan kucing aku ga terlalu berontak waktu ditangin sama dokternya, pas aku sendirian ya alamat diamuk hahaha
Goezz augusta (31/03/2020 11:36)
not recommended if your pet stay here, room not clean and smeal
Titis Satiti (25/12/2019 14:58)
Pak dokternya sudah pro banget. Pengalaman di lapangan ga bisa bohong. Rekomended ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
Zul Hidayatullah (18/12/2019 10:22)
Dokternya profesional sekali, baik dan enak diajak ngobrol terimakasih dok semofa kucing kami segera sembuh
Arie Febry (27/08/2019 11:13)
The doctor is my friend. Get your pet to him and he will help them
JumGuru Go (08/04/2019 07:48)
Khairil Ansyari (21/08/2016 23:57)
Well and warm receiving to any client, really like this vet,,,
Haruan Hauran (11/09/2019 10:32)
Dokter hewan profesional. Terutama kucing anjing dan hewan peliharaan lainnya.
Noeky Savitri Agoestin (13/06/2019 04:55)
Konsultasi nyaman, enak dan ramah dalam menjawab serta menjelaskan setiap pertanyaan/masalah hewan
Elvera Ristia Mahda (17/05/2019 09:53)
Makasih dok, sudah mau menunggu Atat jauh2 dr Anjir... Semoga Atat cepat sembuh... Walau udah gak bisa ngelihat lagi... 😿
Rahma Wati (09/01/2019 00:03)
Dokter langgganan buat hewan kesayangan.. Dokternya ramah biaya insyaAllah lebih murah dr dokterlain bs chat juga konsultasi dengan beliau
agneps s (24/12/2018 08:13)
Dokternya ramah tanya apa aja dijawab, selalu menyempatkan waktu untuk pasien
Iskandar Zulkarnain (16/12/2018 18:20)
Pak dokter nya baik, bs konsultasi lewat wa.. Responsif kalau dichat.. Kalau mau ke tempat praktek sebaiknya kontak dl...
hello buddy (16/12/2018 08:07)
Tempatnya mudah dijangkau, dokter yang menanganinya baik dan harga transparan
kartika maharani (11/09/2018 15:22)
dokternya ramah dan ga pelit info tentang hewan peliharaan. sayang kucing saya sudah meninggal 😥 tapi saya tetap senang dengan pelayanan dari dokternya
aira lankar (11/06/2018 21:53)
Dokternya Ramah bgt, gak pelit info dan sharing. Selalu mengutamakan hasil..
angel agnes (01/06/2018 04:24)
Dokternya sabar buat menjawab pertanyaan mami nya coco. makasih dok 😊
Ardi Wiliyanto (02/05/2018 06:38)
amach M (08/04/2018 00:31)
Docter langganan klo bawa kucing kesini pasti sembuh
Fajeri Hidayat (07/02/2018 04:07)
Sangat terbantu sering titip dan periksa si chelsea di sini
Aulia Ahmad (16/11/2017 12:29)
Dokternya memang pandai bagaimana cara melahirkan
Cecelia Nadya Chandra (03/11/2017 09:34)
Drh.terbaik di bjm