Komentar :
Tiffany Gabrielle (27/02/2018 01:33)
From trendy cakes to comfort food, Three Lights Cakes has it all. Great service and very affordable prices although everything is made with the highest quality.
Erny Ruslan (03/02/2018 09:14)
Cozy place to meet friends. Full air conditioner. Cool. Lots of variety food from japanese, korean, western until indonesian food. They sell beef rice, udon, steak, bread, lasagna, fried chicken, cake and ice cream also gelato. We can take out product or eat at that resto. Open everyday. Fast service. Clean restroom. Not an upscale place but quite big area for meeting. Accept appoinment by phone. Payment methods can use either cash or credit card. Kids friendly menu and available kids portion. Good place for eat alone but very suitable for family gathering. Door entrance is wide for wheelchair access. Parking area located in front of cafe and at the back of the cafe.
Nolianto Ananda (25/12/2017 05:57)
On of the best cafe in town, nice and cozy place, lot of menu from pastry to cake, from pasta and ramen to set of traditional indonesian food, refreshing dessert, love the black squid ink pasta and mango dessert bowl.
cndyard (25/07/2017 07:31)
Cozy place. Serve your favorite desserts. They have macaroon too. Not only desserts they have a good food here.
maya rizki fauzia (25/06/2017 04:44)
Place for hanging out and taking pictures.
The place sells mostly Western food, cakes and some breads. Their price is a little bit expensive but you get what you pay for.
Staffs are nice and helpful (they will explain the menu). Spacious parking lot and more importantly, free-parking
Donny Bastian (30/07/2017 04:27)
Good food.. cozy place..
Muhamad Siswadi (03/07/2017 08:51)
Cozy place & yummy cakes 🍰
Lena Marlini (28/04/2017 15:17)
Lasagnanya juaraaaaaa
Desy Rusiana (27/03/2017 13:18)
Cozy and delicious 👍👌
Veni Octavia (17/03/2017 15:49)
Saya suka zuppa soup sama macaronnya, cake ny so yummy😋. Kalo minumnya sih avocado coffee ny jempolan. Asik juga buat foto2 wkwk. Harga middle keatas lah ya. But ga bakalan nyesel karna sebanding dengan apa yang di dapat.
kebo moto (12/02/2017 08:10)
suasananya cukup nyaman, sangat cocok untuk menikmati waktu santai.
cafe ini berada di pinggir jalan persis dan minim tanda2 kalau ini cafe. bbrapa kali lewat sini namun baru tahu ada cafe di sini karna dikasih tahu teman saya. menurut saya menu di sini yang saya cicipin:
1. Macaron moccacino terasa sekali lapisan caramelnya, cocok untuk penikmat manis dan lidah banjar.
2. Macaron green tea kombinasi rasa yang pas, cita rasa green tea cukup kuat dan enak.
3. Ice thai milk tea nya terasa sedikit lebih manis untuk lidah saya, sangat cocok untuk lidah banjar.
4. Oisidesu Lasagna cukup enak, tampilan sangat menarik dan menggoda lidah. Lasagna di three lights cakes cocok untuk lidah banjar dan penikmat makanan agak manis.
asri primandari (12/02/2017 06:42)
Cozy place for hanging out,, but the foods are too sweet for my teeth
Aditya Saputra (23/01/2017 16:20)
Tempatnya bagus buat santai, tenang ditambah dekorasi yg cantik dan bersih. Makanan dan minumannya ak dan kluarga suka banget enak smua
etty aliya (27/06/2016 04:44)
Lasagna nya yummy abieez , love it😘😘😘
amalia irsalina (06/10/2015 21:20)
Muhibudin Subahani (17/08/2016 08:47)
Enak, santai serta tenang 😀😊
Adi Hanif Sedar (27/06/2016 21:34)
Lasagna enak
Shabrina Putri R (20/09/2015 12:44)
Godzila burger nya plg enak.