Komentar :
d.n redha (22/04/2018 10:59)
Good and cozy place to do my job
Mario Christian Sumampow (19/04/2018 18:17)
Cozy place. Many variation of beverages. Fast wi-fi. There is an indoor and outdoor place for hanging out (of course you can smoke here). Have a parking area. A good place for working on your task or just for being alone with your laptop.
Rita Dahlia (22/03/2018 12:53)
Tempat kongkow asik bareng gadisku atau myhubby ketika pengen penyejukan otak hehe..... Secara disini varian minumnya lebih byk dan ada jg snacknya, bukanya jg lebih lama dr cabang veteran, cab cemara tutup jam 12malam
M.Taufik Akbar (26/02/2018 04:11)
- Tempat strategis
- parkir cukup luas
- harga terjangkau
- rasa yang ditawarkan juga enak
- pelayanan cukup ramah
- hanya saja tidak banyak menu snack atau camilan yang ditawarkan
Ari yanto (17/02/2018 13:36)
not recomended
Galuh Fergina Frizdamelia (13/02/2018 20:15)
New, coming here on the verge of new years eve of 2018. Has both outdoor and indoor side. The outdoor side on the balcony needs air conditioner for sure. Need addition and variation on food & snack menu. Overall, enjoyable.
kiky nue (05/01/2018 09:44)
It's new, it's comfortable, nice and clean restroom but they just have one cubicle. There's a wi-fi access, I don't if it fast or not since it was kinda error when I went there today. Quite place in the afternoon, I guess it might get crowded at night. Affordable price, 20k above. They have music, but then I don't like the genre they played today and I think it was too loud
Yini Mercyana (10/11/2017 16:29)
Instagramable...banyak spot foto nya...pelayanan excelent...ramah banget&kece2 abizz