Komentar :
Radian Dian (17/03/2018 11:51)
gatot manis (19/01/2018 15:28)
Muhammad Riefky (24/12/2017 06:28)
Nice place to prayer
Supian Noor (09/10/2017 12:51)
One of the oldest and historical mosque on Banjarmasin City
Rinja Bayu Wanda (08/10/2017 05:27)
Quite place and good for prayer :)
Muhammad Denny Al-Ramadhan (02/09/2016 09:43)
The beuty mosque after sabilal muhtadin mosque
A Google User (09/10/2017 12:51)
One of the oldest and historical mosque on Banjarmasin City
Rozie Muhammad (18/06/2017 07:01)
One of historical mosque in Banjarmasin
Aaw Puspitta (03/06/2017 03:27)
Bravo - 6201 (25/04/2017 11:49)
Ruslan disdik kalsel (14/04/2017 16:54)
Tempatnya luas bersih dingin sejuk karpet nua tebal mudah diakses tempat parkiran luas enak ada tempat utk istirahat dibagian belakang dan selasar mesjid tepat dipinggir jalan raya besar dan bernilai sejarah karena merupakan salah satu
mesjid yg tertua di kota banjarmasin
Red Droid (15/06/2016 22:24)
Well this place is nice i guest
Dea Kencana (23/05/2016 06:55)
Google map...oke....and cermat