Komentar :
Yuliana Erupley (07/04/2018 04:30)
Muhammad Muhammad (26/03/2018 02:59)
Goood nice
keliek ardy (21/02/2018 09:27)
OK, clean
Iwanda Anshory (06/09/2017 03:18)
Most of favourite drink are sold out, the waiters are not that friendly, no other debit card is accepted as payment other than mandiri, cash and visa or mastercard. Too bad
septi midda tarianti (21/07/2017 04:32)
Rooftop is the best
Arsan Junior (10/09/2017 02:43)
Bisa untuk santai
how en Lim (19/08/2017 06:07)
Tea time
akhmad rafi'i (24/04/2017 03:03)
Suasana hangat and good coffe
Martin Wonowijoyo (08/02/2017 05:11)
Tempatnya enak dan bagus banget, cocok buat meeting, gathering dan acara2 keluarga ataupun dengan teman2 apalagi ada menu baru nya yang enak2 seperti nasi goreng ijo, rawon, ayam rica2, ayam mentega, ayam / sapi lada hitam....