Komentar :
Eddy Sastrawan (11/04/2018 04:06)
Rikard Karlsen (17/02/2018 18:18)
A 30K obligatory donation fee. And that about it.
Manik Ariestya (07/02/2018 09:10)
The village is clean, but I think it's more commercial now than before. I hope it will not lose the authenticity soon enough.
Branxco Cool (25/08/2017 23:49)
This tourist attraction in Bali, the most cleanest village in the world and this is favourite object
Komang Wiranata (25/07/2017 02:33)
Beautiful place with same style traditional houses and the most famous clean village.
Destania Ika Putri (16/03/2017 04:31)
Just like they said! The best, prettiest village in Indonesia!
Agung Kameswara (24/09/2017 08:05)
Heaven on Earth
Ning M. Widjaja (03/07/2017 00:58)
Wayan Nonong (17/06/2017 03:22)
Desa,rumah,adat istiadat semua tertata rapi,bersih,nyaman serta aman..
Ni Wayan Juni Astari (24/05/2017 10:50)
Tempat wisata traditional yang bersih dan ramah lingkungan, di sana ada makam taman pahlawan bangli dekat sekolah SDN 2 Penglipuran dan tersedia Loloh Cemcem yang enak 😀