Komentar :
wen bing Lee (07/09/2017 01:37)
good and bad. it's a stand alone room and no staff serving you there. the office is about 150 meter away.
Thijs Klinkenberg (06/06/2017 02:24)
The only good thing was the hot spring you could use for free. There is basically no Wi-Fi, no air conditioning, the bathroom smells really bad and above all; you get woken up by the neighbours at 5 am in the morning. Jo later
h3mlocke (19/05/2017 06:10)
I booked but ended up staying at Arling's real close by. No amenities such as food and employees. No real safes for your belongings. Would be good if you are in a group, otherwise youll be alone in a big room.
Thomas Montgomery (19/05/2017 06:10)
I booked but ended up staying at Arling's real close by. No amenities such as food and employees. No real safes for your belongings. Would be good if you are in a group, otherwise youll be alone in a big room.