Komentar :
Agus Sutijono (27/03/2018 12:41)
Carina Wahyu (14/04/2017 03:31)
Good hospital. They have clean rooms and toilets
Eric Soojaekhu (10/07/2016 15:02)
Good service in reservation and in-patient both form doctor or staff, but pay your attention more for UGD sevice level and SOP, it need to be reviewed.
Ps: value for money for the room, VIP 2 is only IDR. 450,000.-/night.
Febrian Dhani Hartawan (22/06/2016 16:06)
This is the best quality healthcare you'll ever get in Gresik. Sure, it's not government-run. But that's what makes it free from certain restrictions and free to improve.
Syauban Anas (04/07/2017 06:30)
Rumah sakit dengan pelayanan yang prima
padiel aceh (08/06/2017 15:51)
Good hospital and near from my home.
AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA (05/03/2017 11:37)
R. Devi Maharani (21/02/2017 03:41)
Sejak ada RS yg baruu lokasi nya di belakang RS lama..sdikit mulai ada pembenah an. Dokter & Perawat ya ramah, tetapi perawat nya "lama" & ada yg kurang cekatan / kurang telaten saat ada Px terutama pada anak2. selebih nya OK.
firdaus mamiakit (08/02/2017 06:25)
Rumah sakit dengan kualitas yg sangat baik pelayanan cepat
Wahyu Ridiansyah (15/12/2016 18:04)
Nice Place
Caarlinda (06/03/2016 18:24)
Lumayaan lah, bersih tempatnya. Tapi agak mengerikan bentuk bangunan depan jadul
tari yetno (01/02/2014 12:43)
nama ku roni guwa igin tau nomor rmh sakit petro
maulidiyus prawiro (15/12/2012 07:50)
Pelayanan Ramah
Dya Rahma (26/09/2012 17:17)
Ambil ftonya psti dr dpn ruangannya pak herry