Komentar :
Hendro Yosua (28/04/2018 10:49)
I'll say this is two star rated hotel. I just dont like non cold conditioner. But my promo price just worth it
Evie Nurvita (16/03/2018 07:30)
Low budget. Nice service. But, old buildings.
Andika Damarnegara (01/02/2018 06:18)
Clean and cozy room, for average price, didn't check for the food
Ayu Yoniko Christi (18/01/2018 04:13)
The hotel is in the center of town. Near to Gubeng Baru railway station, near to General Hospital dr. Soetomo, near to Surabaya Plaza, Grand City Mall, Galaxy Mall & Tunjungan Plaza. I think this hotel is near to every good spot in Surabaya. There are cafe & foodcourt in this hotel. This hotel is also near to Karangmenjangan Market which sells traditional food & snacks in the morning. The hospitality is also good with 24hr front desk service. The wifi is okay too. We get 2bottles of mineral water & teabag plus sugar everyday. The hotel is clean & neat. There's no lift here, so better choose room in the first floor.
Henry Wahyu (04/11/2017 09:36)
And okay place to crash with affordable price, located in the center of surabaya. Dont expect much others than clean room to stay and nice location thought.
dinar pratamaaji (27/10/2017 12:32)
Have stayed here 3 times. Make sure to choose room downstairs because hot water in upstairs room doesn't work. Lack of skylights but well it's low cost hotel anyway. Overall it's not bad at all.
dodo basuki (17/11/2017 03:10)
Small budget Hotel when you need a bed to crush out, nothing more
Tamara Audrey (30/09/2017 16:48)
Never really sleep in there. But from the outside, the hotel looks so gloomy and so many om om smokes there and catcalls everyone who passes by. Hate it
Iwan Pals (24/08/2017 16:37)
Simple Minimalist And Affordable..
Elbert Anathapindika Ho (19/08/2017 08:15)
Cheap & nice hotel
Vina Ruslim (27/04/2017 12:32)
Murah.. nyaman..
Nina Febriana (18/04/2017 07:37)
Highly recommended.....
tempatnya nyaman, bersih, tenang dengan harga yang affordable. Cocok juga buat yg mau menginap lumayan dekat dengan pusat kota. Cuma sayangnya parkirny outdoor.
yudhi nugroho (15/04/2017 16:00)
Hotel back packer
dhiko sanjoyo (05/04/2017 06:26)
you get what you pay, but the food is disappointed
Arizal Sukarnaen (26/02/2017 05:48)
Suharyadi (24/02/2017 10:11)
Sekitar hotel ndak perlu takut kelaparan (kalo ada duit )
everly titaley (03/02/2017 08:08)
Pelayanannya ramah...,sarapan pagi oke,menunya diganti tiap hari..,cman siaran TV acak...,perlu diperbaiki..
Indirwan (28/01/2017 22:33)
Hotel murmer yg lumayan dekat kemana-mana bila tujuannya untuk wisata di kota pahlawan,,, 👍
Angkasa Phone (28/12/2016 13:00)
Di sini cukup bagus kualitas kamar nyaman dipakai tapi sayangnya tvnya jaringannya kurang naik jadi mohon diperbaiki sedikit ok
frandika permana (13/06/2015 10:34)
Nice hotel for reclining
viga natasa (29/09/2016 08:48)
Enak dibuat ancer2 haha
Armuni Skep (13/09/2016 13:01)
Tempat menginap yg nyaman dan relarif murah. sayang pengunjung yang menginap tidak dapat sarapan. Tp didepan hotel banyak menyediakan kuliner tradisional..
era largis (24/07/2016 18:13)
Cheap, easy access to some of city's attractions, uncomfortable at night, drag bike racing noisy sounds keep me up all night. murah, akses ke tengah kota mudah, tapi saat malam sering bising karena balapan liar
Siti Mutrofin (15/01/2016 07:25)
Sayangnya kurang bersih, banyak semut, pemanasnya kurang bagus di pengaturan nya
Ayu Ayu (10/12/2015 08:09)
Saya suka dengan pelayanan di hotel ini saya suka
Bila ada waktu saya akun singgah lagi