Komentar :
Diana fitri lathifah (24/05/2018 09:38)
Nurul Huda (11/05/2018 12:36)
Off course thi is good place
hendri anto (27/01/2018 06:53)
in hospitals usually discuss about the state of health of a person or about prescription drugs for a disease. This kind of conversation is necessary for us to learn because the hospital is one of the public places we sometimes need to visit. Imagine if you go abroad then contracted an illness or an accident, if you do not know the example of a conversation that is usually done in the hospital of course you will be confused to ask important things about your condition. Therefore, I hope this article can increase your insight on how to converse or dialogue in English on a particular situation or place, in this case the hospital.
One Yulia (16/11/2017 03:12)
TCT c c I u hug u
Birama Robby Indraprasta (21/03/2016 00:46)
It's OK
joni afta (12/07/2015 11:34)
New Change . Hospital at Bangkalan Regency
Syaiful Rahman (08/04/2014 07:17)
It's Ok
Madura PayTren (26/08/2017 14:14)
Hari Senin saya kembali lagi kedini semoga Alloh..memberikan Rahmatnya Untuk kita srmua Aamiiiin...
Syafinas Evi (03/08/2017 21:46)
RSUD syam rabu pelayanan nya sdh ckp memuaskan bagi kalangan menengah kebawah smoga kedepannya semakin mantap....
Fery Ardiansyah (22/05/2017 00:01)
Tersedia CT Scan, Panoramic, Fluoroscopy c-arm, dan x-ray konvensional
Syafii AMD (11/02/2017 13:59)
Bangunan sangat bagus fasilitas sdh lengkap sesuag tipe RS, tapi msh ada oknum petugas yg masih kurang ramah pada pasien terutama pasien dari Desa
Wahyudin Rahmatullah (28/08/2016 02:31)
Pelayanan kurang, perawatan dan penanganan sangat mengecewakan, peraturan terlalu ketat dan banyak keluhan dari keluarga pasien.
Naurawisata 2012 (27/09/2016 00:13)
RSUD Syamrabu makin megah smg pelayanan makin oke
Eeng Widiarto (05/08/2016 23:13)