Komentar :
Jil Kalaran (25/03/2018 10:31)
House father of the nation
Didit Suto (02/03/2018 21:55)
Historical place where Soekarno begin his footstep.
Akmal Muhamad (07/02/2018 23:51)
Good historic place for teacher nation
Adha Anggraini (07/02/2018 05:54)
This place provide the history of HOS Cokroaminoto. Visited this place is a fortune occasion which helps us to feel youth spirit movement in Indonesia
Yoe One Ariestya Niovitta (14/09/2016 17:44)
HOS Cokroaminoto, we called him the teacher of the Nation, one of the national hero of Indonesia who was a teacher of the first president of Indonesia. We also have the film of Cokroaminoto, Guru Bangsa Cokroaminoto, that shows many angles of the origins of his environment, such as house and other old part of Surabaya. There is a guide who can explain more about the house the the hero. Anyway, for all the visitors, please take a look the second floor of the house, the part of our first president live (sleep) inside. The still have it and take care of this house. Amazing!
Christian Candra (29/10/2017 07:32)
Sedjarah baroeh jang pertama kali akoe temoei
Faruq Rakhmat (19/10/2017 12:40)
Penuh dengan kenangan perjuangan Islam
mohamad santosa (11/10/2017 03:54)
Luar biasa
SiRansel Pena (13/06/2017 00:43)
Rumah Hos Cokroaminoto, yang merupakan cagar budaya dijaga dan dilestarikan oleh perkotaan Surabaya. Semua tertata rapi. Yuk sesekali lah kita jalan2 nya ke Museum demi melestarikan cagar budaya indonesia
puspitaningtyas sulistyowati (28/04/2017 23:04)
Rumah lama bersejarah
Dhika Andriyani (06/02/2017 18:00)
Masih tearawat
arif khunaifi (16/08/2016 16:20)