Komentar :
Arofat Media (13/02/2018 11:26)
Iin Yustiani (08/02/2018 09:15)
Tempatnya nyaman,bersih. roti pun lengkap.
Ria Wulan jamilah (17/12/2017 11:51)
Sangat nyaman dan pegawainya rama 😊
Nanang Hidayat (12/07/2017 04:12)
Suka suka suka....
yoyo dsign (19/04/2017 14:02)
The bread they sell is good
Michael Christian (31/08/2015 07:23)
Taste of homemade bakery.. Classic so nostalgic.. Why all holland bakery branch looked and feel the same.. The smell of vanilla, chocolate, and rhum always there at the store.. Signature windmill decoration could be seen far away.. My fave is always "Soes rum" Or Choux Rhum.. Always tasted the same for the last 15 years.. :)
Reza Saputra (28/09/2017 14:53)
Pilihan banyak dan lengkap. Rasa, sudah pasti juara
Hidayanti Anapiscan (24/07/2017 08:24)
Rotinya enak semua.. 😋
Hery Setiawan (30/01/2017 13:58)
Roti dan kue tersedia dan lumayan lengkap
danang saputra (20/05/2016 02:59)
Walaupun enak scr rasa, tapi varian yg tersedia msh terbatas...