Komentar :
Rizal Bahri (19/06/2017 12:09)
The one of most prestigious Polytechnic of Health in Indonesia
Vista Dwi Setyarini (27/02/2017 02:52)
Tiffanny Rachmania (26/01/2017 03:51)
are the environtmental health students too busy with their assignments? my bf not even contact me for almost 5 days. idk i just dont like it sorry
okmariska anggun (21/09/2016 01:02)
Azka Defla (08/02/2016 09:30)
Barry Rizal (19/06/2017 12:09)
The one of most prestigious Polytechnic of Health in Indonesia
Cycy Meistria (27/01/2017 00:04)
Salah satu politeknik milik Kementrian Kesehatan RI yang selalu mencetak bibit tenaga kesehatan yang profesional dan berintegritas 😊
Dere Fita (27/04/2015 14:48)
Is the best
Bagus Kurniawan (20/07/2016 00:25)
Tes penentu
Azis nur fatoni (10/06/2016 03:52)
kesehatan lingkungan
Probo Darono Yakti (03/06/2016 02:19)
Arsitektur modern, cantik di lihat dari luar.
Ratna Nana (19/10/2015 18:19)
Kampuus tercinttahh
Laila Mzf (23/12/2014 12:43)
kampus tercinta
Kurniawanicchi desu (12/08/2014 08:15)
Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Surabaya