Komentar :
trio budi agus susanto (23/12/2017 11:07)
Need a tweak on security section..
Reza Hidayatullah (22/09/2017 16:35)
My father's old office. So many memories here
Bismi Rakasiwi (30/01/2017 09:55)
Nice office. some spots are a bit creepy though.
Dewi Ika (15/11/2016 03:39)
Great place for a wedding party because its easy to find
Kip Krakem (07/10/2016 01:06)
Very nice facility, everything in order and the right place. Good job managing such huge facility!
Dhamar Wirawan (31/05/2017 15:28)
Good job
gilang budiraharja (20/04/2017 15:02)
Tempat kerja orang petro... Pabrik Pupuk Plat Merah..
Ahadin Fahmi (24/02/2017 10:15)
Macet di pagi hari, tapi tampak sekali bahwa petrokimia group memiliki kedisiplinan yang oke ππΌππΌππΌ
MOH. WAHFIUDIN NUR AZAMI (20/01/2017 00:50)
This Is My Dream Work In Petrokimia
Wahyu Setio (11/09/2016 08:34)
Kebutuhan pupuk sama seperti kebutuhan beras, yang akan tetap di butuhkan setiap hari nya
Irza Yoga (21/01/2015 04:01)
M Chotibul Umam (07/07/2012 18:51)
Since 2005 until now
Muhammad Zanuar (15/08/2016 14:23)
Semoga nanti bisa kerja disana
Taufik Rahman (13/04/2016 06:42)
Invitation from PT. Petrokimia Gresik at Tri Dharma Building
lukita sari (22/04/2013 05:06)
masjid nurul jannah kompleks petrokimia gresik sangat teduh, adem, bersih dan asri.
yeni novitasari (15/10/2012 08:54)