Komentar :
Travel Goeh (04/02/2017 14:05)
Sonny Satria (13/09/2016 14:14)
Nice place for clothing seller
Steven Brown (23/11/2015 10:02)
It's an ok mall. Has some cheap shopping. The sports shop has some good stuff at low prices.
aditya maathew (12/09/2015 02:40)
Amazing mall but there are too many "dirty" kids
ferdi firdaus (04/03/2014 15:28)
If you come to this place make sure to visit 360°club. And ask about the massage. It blown your mind :)
charles lim oii (01/01/2016 03:24)
Ini deskripsi nya Cito tpi koq diliat dari foto2 ini Royal Plaza
Oke saya review Royal saja
Ini mall, tpi menjual barang murah2..
Jalan nya juga lebar2 ga sperti ITC ato PGS yg jalannya sempit sesak. Well organized n maintained
Makanan di fudcourt juga beraneka ragam, mulai dari yg murah 15 ribuan s/d 30 ribuan
Klo belum pernah ke Royal Plaza, buruan deh ke sini
Yusuf Umar (11/12/2015 10:44)
Ga ada mekdinya
Rio Ramadhana (17/11/2015 05:34)
Quite good
Best Mosque inside mall
surya prasetiaji (19/02/2015 11:51)
aq suka Royal, aq ingin me royalkan harta qu