Komentar :
Hendra Sembiring Depariez (21/06/2019 16:45)
Great tasting brownies that you can buy and enjoy with the family.
Nunuk Triagustini (19/06/2019 05:05)
The place you can buy cakes brownies with manythings varians tasted, snack and drink......ðŸ™ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
nike anggraini (15/06/2019 03:05)
Love Amanda ...but some to sweett tasty
Sal Bourbon (22/01/2019 09:54)
Check out their fridge if you come here, they have local sourced(from the looks of it) drinks that tastes interesting.
dody himawan (20/11/2018 10:56)
Nice place to buy brownies, open from 07.30 am - 21.00 pm. Check our great promo's.
Yunan To (06/05/2018 06:57)
The cake, especially marbles, i love it. It fits my tongue just fine! Delicious!
Sofyan hadi (28/06/2019 06:35)
The best brownies ever ðŸ˜
Nunuk Triagustini (19/06/2019 05:05)
The place you can buy cakes brownies with manythings varians tasted, snack and drink......ðŸ™ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
Akhung Berithel Ina (08/11/2018 10:58)
Kalo teman2 dari luar jawa nyari oleh2, salah Satu recommended tempat
Febriana kurnia Dewi (26/08/2018 04:33)
Delicious food chocolate brownies and cheap
indria sari (26/07/2018 22:32)
It's used to be a very famous brownies store, until its competitors grow more
Rully yunanto (06/05/2018 06:57)
The cake, especially marbles, i love it. It fits my tongue just fine! Delicious!
Ayu Masyithoh Permata Dewi (09/04/2018 11:05)
Di sini gak jual brownies aja, ada beberapa olahan lainnya seperti cookies, coklat, bolu, lapis, dll.
Tempatnya bersih, pelayanannya ramah, tersedia parkir untuk mobil & motor dg tukang parkir.
fajar ferdhina (04/03/2018 05:39)
Worth the price, even though lil bit disagree if amanda called as brownies due to it's kind of various cake shop
MARK VANDER (22/01/2018 14:46)
arnila rohmatul M (06/12/2017 21:46)
The delicate and smooth brownies from Bandung, who couldn't resist it
widi ary (07/08/2017 08:30)
Delicious brownis steamed in this city
Ubai Dillah (01/08/2017 07:37)
Amanda barata jos
Kip Krakem (20/09/2016 05:26)
Nice store. Comfortable and organized. Easy to spot whats for sale and where everything is
reri ardyani (22/07/2017 10:49)
Delicious, many kind of brownies
Agung Widianto (13/07/2017 21:10)
Good store, easy to acces.
Noel Sadrakh Daely (12/07/2017 03:32)
Delicious cake store.
John Healty Christian (07/05/2017 12:18)
Good services
Didik Kurniawan Saputra (16/04/2017 07:19)
yoyo dsign (10/04/2017 00:16)
Brownies taste is good and cheap
aldie aja (22/02/2017 23:42)
Fifi 312 (10/02/2017 09:28)
Cocok untuh buah tangan ke orang" terdekat
lusy pratiwi (07/10/2016 13:46)
Suka sih.. Tapi beberapa kali apes kena brownies yg ada kulit telurnya :'
Arman maulana SOKA (04/06/2016 12:56)
Brownies tpo
Fajar Teguh Hariyanto (03/06/2016 02:08)
Enak ini kuenya
ucup indra (22/05/2016 16:26)
Brownies favorit gue. Untung udah deket dari kertajaya. Hehehe
amirah putri (16/02/2016 17:15)
Yen Lecitia (01/07/2015 09:14)
Sore ..kpd brownies amanda ...blh kah sya ty jk kue brownis kukus kita pesan lalu di antar ke tempat tujuan bs ya ? Mksh