Komentar :
Arya Rizki (02/03/2018 11:14)
High class
Rizki Kurniawan (08/02/2018 13:44)
The name of this place "Opulent Gardin" which there is Excelso, Bebek Tepi Sawah dan Paxi Barber Shop
deni wijaya (04/02/2018 23:55)
Nice .. but to expensive for small town
Sweeta Octavianti (01/02/2018 05:52)
Great atmosphere, cozy place and have many variant of coffee drinks
Frans Manharka (24/01/2018 03:11)
Nice place for coffe
Andi Rizal (28/11/2017 09:17)
syawal rga (24/08/2017 01:13)
Family cafe terbaik
Jesikam 09 (09/07/2017 10:52)
Roomnya asyik,namun lumayan menguras kantong.
Herry Suhim (18/11/2016 17:22)
Cozy place and goid coffees
ami mustafa (10/10/2016 18:31)
Kopinya mantap
Roomnya asyik
Ada atm dari beberapa bank