Komentar :
Rizal Maulana (24/04/2017 15:04)
Tempatnya Tidak terlalu luas ada beberapa angkutan umum menuju Bandung Selatan dan utara
Ada angkot Ciparay-Tegel lega
Angkot Banjaran-TegalLega
Angkot Cisitu-Tegal lega
Elf Pangalengan-Bandung(Tegal Lega)
Yulia Rahmawati (13/04/2017 00:00)
Very small station for angkot actually. They just transit here and wait for queue. The Otista Road is quite wide so it is so hard to across the street from the station. Many people sell various items in the market around, such as spare parts, fashion, accessories, DVD, and so on.
toro omen (09/04/2017 14:50)
Terminal angkot yg sdh berdiri ckp lama,area nya tidak terlalu luas,perlu pembenahan lg,perlu ditambah fasilitas umum lainya sperti wc umum,mushola dan ruang tunggu penumpang