Komentar :
Maudy Lynn (28/12/2017 05:56)
This place is much better than Terminal Bekasi. Haha
Ignatius Primadi (03/12/2017 05:59)
Bandung needs to restore this terminal. There's no bench or sitting places even chairs to wait inside the terminal. Poor management quality and service. It's a shame.
Meiva Marthaulina (16/10/2017 23:18)
Another alternative (in case the train ticket sold out) if you wanna go to Tangerang (especially Tangerang citizens) you can take Arimbi or Primajasa and get off in Kebun Nanas, Samsat Cikokol, Tang City.
edward tumbelaka (06/10/2017 08:37)
Food is very expensive (fried rice and ice tea they will charged you rp 45,000), better you find outside of bus station.
Its good alternative if you want go to jakarta instead of train. The bus destination from bandung to jakarta(cawang, depok, lebak bulus, etc) departed every 1 hour. The latest bus to jakarta, I think arround 6/7pm
Claudia Higginbotham (11/08/2017 15:22)
Bus from Bandung to Bogor was 65,000 per person, only aircon buses go from this station no local buses.
Agha alamsyah (14/10/2017 16:56)
Tinggal milih mo jurusan mana..
Muhammad Arif Rofiudin (12/09/2017 04:00)
Naik bis ke jakarta
Yoga Prana (03/09/2017 05:53)
Terminal Bus kelas A. Untuk jalur Barat
indra kamil (16/08/2017 02:43)
Sudah agak lumayan tidak terlalu semerawut masih bau pesing..perlu penataan ulang supaya tidak terlihat kumuh disini juga sudah tersedia toilet bersih
Noerman Susilo (16/07/2017 20:28)
transportasi lokal banyak sudah uzur;
Taufan Saputra (29/06/2017 03:38)
Masih kurang bersih..
Rimba P (17/06/2017 17:32)
Bandung need proper public transport and the terminals as well :(
Mutia Tresna Syabania (20/04/2017 10:58)
terminal yang kurang bersih
andra satriani (10/03/2017 09:05)
Sudah lumayan tertata rapih dari pada keadaan yg dulu