Komentar :
Eka Elsa Hutapea (17/01/2020 05:56)
Not bad lahh
Daniel Darmawan (13/01/2020 14:15)
Good place to buy kitchen stuff
99 Custom Choppers (10/10/2019 06:26)
Household apliances murah2 ????
pramet JM (09/10/2019 11:44)
Nice place to get your need like tool or else in the kitchen..
William Christian (11/05/2019 01:42)
need kitchen stuffs? you can find it here. it's a store where u can buy kitchen stuffs. very complete and the price is very considerable
Sylvia Thamrin (07/09/2019 10:57)
Good but a little bit hot
Hans Pratomo (01/06/2019 08:35)
The products quite complete, however the place is too crowded with products. The passage too narow even if not much people.
BUDI ASIH (09/04/2019 04:24)
Linda Tri Wulandari (01/03/2019 03:16)
A complete store to find utensils 😊
rina endah puri (09/12/2018 06:38)
U can shop all about kitchen here..
leon ginting (10/06/2018 23:19)
Cheap price but quite hot during day time, because this store is not using AC
arry ashar (19/05/2018 17:28)
The bigger kitchen and mealroom equipment right here
Rifankid (19/05/2018 09:26)
Plang tidak terlalu jelas, jadi ketika jalan harus perlahan kalau mencari tempat ini. Terdapat tiga lantai, lantai pertama piring, gelas, kompor, dispenser, dll. Lantai dua penggorengan, botol, container, dll. Lantai tiga, alat untuk kue, tong sampah, ember dll (susunannya bisa berubah tergantung manajemen). Tidak super lengkap, tapi cukup memenuhi kebutuhan, yang spesial adalah harganya yang terjangkau dan cenderung murah.
Astrid Destia Purwarani (10/04/2018 02:01)
Nice place
Rahmat Fauzi (09/04/2018 19:02)
nice place
Yushep Chanell (17/03/2018 16:04)
Dewi Andriyani (15/03/2018 05:14)
It provides various kitchen utensils and stuff
Silviana oemar (09/09/2017 05:40)
They have complete sets of everything with cheap price
Antony Gunarian (03/09/2017 18:27)
Good kitchen suplies store with a very reasonable price.
Ray Alfarisi (12/10/2016 04:45)
The staff seems careless to customers. Also, the prices are too expensive. But the products quality are good.