Komentar :
Jajang Nurjamil (17/05/2018 02:39)
minimalis tapi memiliki seni tersendiri
Trisna Taufik (09/04/2018 04:53)
tempat yang bagus
A Glenn (28/07/2017 07:44)
This is a monument made to improvise the three component used to "Managing Bandung" by Ridwan Kamil, that is decentralisation, colaboration, and innovation. This monument is small but artristic, awesome, and simple.
Kamal Jatmoko (05/02/2017 06:14)
Triangle of managing Bandung: Innovation, desentralitation, and collaboration
AG (28/07/2017 07:44)
This is a monument made to improvise the three component used to "Managing Bandung" by Ridwan Kamil, that is decentralisation, colaboration, and innovation. This monument is small but artristic, awesome, and simple.