Komentar :
hadi susanto (30/04/2018 14:03)
Karena tempat belajar ini cara pengajarannya lain dan di bimbing oleh pengajar2 profesional
Avisa Likhie (03/03/2018 07:26)
English first is one of the institution that teach english for children, adults for beginner - advance. Neat and tidy and ambience good for student to learn English.
devi deva (21/07/2017 06:08)
Sangat bagus
GummyChewyGT (23/06/2017 04:56)
So many teachers and the place is so beautiful.... I loved it
Meta Indriyani (21/04/2017 11:39)
I love it, so many cozy classrooms and the teachers were friendly