Komentar :
Tania Octaviana (08/05/2018 06:13)
The worst. I've called like a hundred times, no respond. The tax officers are completely ignorant. Thank you for your service, sir, ma'am.
MY F'CUBER (09/04/2018 12:35)
KPP Madya Bandung wilayah kerjanya meliputi Sebagian Provinsi Jawa Barat
Dari segi kelengkapan dan prasarana sudah baik dan lengkap, penataan ruang tunggu cukup baik, tempat parkir cukup, kebersihan juga terjaga
Dari segi pelayanan baik, tapi perlu di tingkatkan lagi
Terima kasih
Ryan Setiawan Hidayat (26/11/2017 11:01)
I Still not believe with our indonesian tax officer, and generally other government agencies, I have many friend work at other government agencies and they are corrupted. Their lifestyle don't suit their salary. They hide themselves and play law to suit their need. They do not realize that they are public servant, paid from our tax, feel very sad and angry, thinking every month I pay tax million rupiah just for them... And I confident other non government worker, enterpreneur or professional think that too ... Don't believe me? Read newspaper, every day ton of story about their corruptness, that's exposed to public, not exposed? I bet more. Shame for them
Ryan Septian (09/11/2017 02:22)
Parkiran cukup luas
Benrizal Efendi (22/08/2016 06:59)
Gedung pajak..
Novrial Nawawi (07/06/2016 12:59)
Kantor yg saya sambangi untuk sharing mengenai Service