Komentar :
Agung Pranajaya (14/04/2018 16:33)
Good place for hang out with friends. The drinks and foods quite reasonable price.
Fayadh Akbar (27/03/2018 08:42)
Great place but not so great food and drinks. Perfect place to chill with those low prices
uma kero (02/02/2018 11:35)
Nice coffee.. nice barista.. nice places
Ochu Zeith (20/01/2018 01:14)
Good place, great price, the wifi is pretty fast to play Dota 2 or Mobile Legend.
Marco Siahaan (14/09/2017 11:40)
Great coffee, affordable price (for college students), and the best thing is everywhere is smoking area. Although the internet speed is a lil bit slow when it's crowded
Nunu Nugraha (23/10/2017 12:33)
Kaka cafe itu tempat yang paling nyaman, tenang, apalagi di manjakan dengan segelas kopi garut☕, wihh mantap👌👌👌
riko andri (22/10/2017 07:30)
Tempat yang seru buat hangout, nambah ilmu, nambah komunitas, nambah kenyang juga.
Mhd Shulhan (28/08/2017 06:17)
Place: 3/5
Food: 3/5
Toilet: 2/5
Itang Zakaria (02/08/2017 05:29)
Cozy place (=´∀`)
mody afandi (21/06/2017 12:25)
Cool place for the chosen one.
ade danova (14/06/2017 14:51)
This Place is fun to disscus and near way.
bandung103 (19/03/2017 05:26)
Good spot for meeting
Sarimukti Werdiningsih (15/03/2017 08:35)
Tempat favorit baru. Selain asik untuk nongkrong (ngobrol sm teman ataupun nugas) juga menu makanan dan minumannya pas banget. Ada tv dan buku-buku. Wi-fi aman. Toiletnya bersih, dipisah juga cewe sm cowonya. Ada musholanya juga. 😊😊
Ali Alraddadi (10/02/2017 22:16)
Good place
Muhammad Panji Azhar (23/11/2016 13:40)
Buat nugas cocok nih kiw
Alvi keepeye (24/10/2016 22:48)
Lovely place to hangout
Yandi Cesarrio Slamet (24/10/2016 12:25)
One stop for enjoy