Komentar :
Salsabila A (10/05/2018 10:37)
Ya taulah gimana hypermart kurang lengkap ga ada mybeline(yang seharusnya standar) dan barangnya gitu gitu aja ga ada nori seaweed yang buat sushi pula, harga barang barangnya juga lebih mahal dr pada swalayan pada umumnya
nasroel tanjung (09/05/2018 10:43)
The problem is long queue at the cashier because they provide the cashier only a few while customer in the long queue
Rizki Mukti (30/04/2018 08:36)
Wakacau Cafe mantaap
seno prasetyo (18/01/2018 18:48)
Great place , wide varieties of goods , good service , lots of promo item
Ahmad Shiddiq Fadhilah (04/01/2018 07:10)
Spacious supermarket with small cafeteria. I especially like the cafeteria. You can find nasi goreng, pempek, bakmie, lumpia basah, seblak, and many more. There are also variety of bread and snacks. They're are reasonably cheaper. So if you want to sit down and relax around Metro Indah Mall, but unwilling to spend much on a restaurant, the cafeteria here is a good bargain.
Tiyas Djaganata (30/12/2017 16:10)
Lengkap. It's better you come here on weekend. There are many discount for some items.
budirahardjo88 winasis (23/12/2017 15:25)
Well because this time is the struggling era for the modern market, maybe hypermart has changed it's images as the cheapest and affordable place for your daily needs from a super/hypermarket. Sales promotion always there everyday and they have given a guarantee that if in the other places give cheaper prices they will give cash back for the gap price differences.
Reza Purnama (11/08/2017 09:35)
Big, spacious, clean, but way too expensive..
But it is a good place to buy your monthly grocery
dewi prasasti (19/11/2017 06:24)
Clean and nice shoping area, love it...
Muhammad Fachry (12/07/2017 07:40)
Menyediakan perlengkapan kenutuhan sehari-hari dan rumah tangga yang lengkap. Ada banyak penawaran diskon dan pilihan yang ditawarkan. Lokasi ada di basement Metro Indah Mall dan cukup luas.
M Zam Zam (09/07/2017 11:49)
Supermarket memnuhi kebutuhan aehari-hari untuk wilayah sukarno hatta
Andry Priatna (02/07/2017 14:54)
Referensi aja kalo buat belanja soalnya harga nya lebih mahal dari supermarket yg lain dan parkirnya selalu panjang
Firman Nurdiana (01/05/2017 04:10)
Tempatnya luas, barangnya lengkap dan kasirnya banyak jadi tidak terlalu lama ngantri
Witri Shafira (21/04/2017 02:07)
Big and spacious
Ria H Pangesti (03/02/2017 16:04)
Cukup lengkap , pastry mininya enak
Akhmad Hidayat (13/01/2017 04:50)
Belanja paling lengkap....
ady water (10/02/2016 02:13)
hypermatnya ga terlalu luas dibanding bip