Komentar :
Shella Hudaya (26/05/2018 12:22)
Great coffee at affordable price. Cozy place with speedy wifi.
Ake Giri Faturakhman (01/05/2018 14:37)
Mantap, murah enak
Dimas Tanaya (30/03/2018 05:41)
Cozy place, nice place if you want to hang out at a long time, wifi is fast, food is so so but is cheap
Afriski Nanda (11/03/2018 16:11)
Quick wi-fi and good coffee? You can get both here. For some reason the instant noodles that cooked here tasted better compared to the one you cooks yourself. Not the best option when it's raining outside since it's semi-outdoor type of cafe.
Prada Sukmawan (10/03/2018 05:46)
Wanna taste bulukumba coffee? Must try dua telu coffee they make.. Great place to study or work.
Rifki Candra (14/02/2018 10:54)
Cozy place for working or just surfing on internet. With fast connection up tp 100mbps.
Ghifarinn Rachmadhani (19/01/2018 01:31)
fast internet connection, affordable price, the food is good, must try the coffee (I recommend the 'kopi susu'), all of it was smoking area so it's kinda uncomfortable for non smoking person
Luky Rimbu (16/09/2017 12:07)
Nice coffeee
Chyrpi (30/07/2017 03:14)
Nice place with a good vibe as a work place. I am a freelance illustrator, and I really love to work there. The food and the drinks are affordable too.
Budi Afriyan (23/07/2017 17:26)
Comfy place to spending time texting, meeting, chatting or working. They serve original bulukumbadua tellue coffeemilk (kopisusu in bahasa). Bulukumba is a district in south sulawesi with majority people from bugis ethnic.
Fabian Fitrananda (23/07/2017 15:22)
Light meals, good coffee, adequate wifi, overall nice and clean place
Georgina Grisella Claudia (02/06/2017 22:59)
Great wifi, not recommended for food. Not so comfy spot to work. Nearest hotel but not that clean. It's enough for you who need great WiFi access but limited bucks. They offer ice tea with only 5k Rp.
Max Keeble (25/04/2017 17:14)
A good working space, a nice place for meeting client, and you can smoke here....
sidharta tedja (10/01/2017 09:00)
Good coffee, cheap and high speed WiFi. Enough said
Benny Prihartanto (07/12/2016 13:35)
Free and fast wifi, good coffee, light meals.
Irham Oktavian (31/08/2016 00:16)
Have i told you that this place was perfectly awesome for those who wanna spending time? Various food and drinks, unexpected internet connection speed, and worthy price of all
faqih salban (16/01/2016 18:14)
perfect place for do your work or assessment, and for meeting with clients. the place is so basic, but Internet so fast, and every table has power outlet, so you won't run out gadget juice.
Arief Rachman (24/02/2015 08:48)
Fav place
Taufik Ramadhan (11/09/2016 10:59)
Suasana nyaman, tempatnya sederhana & lega.. Free wifi
Bambang Nugraha (13/08/2016 14:42)
Lumayan buat ngopi sambil iseng
Daeng Muhammad Feisal (12/05/2016 07:50)
kopi bulukumba recommended segelas Rp15.000
tempatnya woles banget
Muhammad Syukron Makmun (29/01/2016 10:52)
Wifinya kencang, cocok buat jadi tempat nongkrong
Zainal Arifin (27/05/2015 16:40)
Kopinya mantap, internetnya gahul, bisa browsing2 sambil ngopi-ngopi, enak juga buat tempat ngobrol bareng teman-teman