Komentar :
Anindhita Sunartio (30/07/2017 12:14)
Good for groups, have a minimarket and ATM on ground floor. Not many choices of food and beverages
Hisyam Ahmad (29/01/2017 23:10)
Cheap, cozy and lots of types of food here, also there is a billiard set.
Rayhan Bawazier (04/10/2016 03:44)
agung budiarto (09/07/2016 10:14)
Dimas Satrio (11/06/2016 07:43)
A nice yet cheap place to have a dine, really recommended if you are in the area and didn't know what to eat. It's have a lot of menu, and surprisingly lot of good food.
The back area have a billiards table and nice cafe, really nice alternative to work from.
Zurpriandi (25/05/2016 17:43)
Not bad
fanharil ardian (18/08/2016 10:59)
Pelayanannya memuaskan
yery susanto (22/05/2016 09:47)
Mantep tempatnya buat nongkrong2