Komentar :
Agus Setiadi (26/04/2018 18:33)
Good shopping mall
Asep Haris (01/02/2018 10:55)
dadan ramdan (28/12/2017 23:22)
jusfar rivai (29/07/2017 07:58)
for you... or who want to buy a smartphone and electronic device in Bandung
Busy mommy (10/05/2017 02:26)
Everything about gadget is here. Computers, PC, Laptops, Cellphones, Tablets, and accessories. So comfortable, and their price is reasonable.
sutiadi rahmansyah (19/02/2017 03:06)
Good place to buy electronic and cellphone, the price for computer peripheral usually based on the dollar exchange price same as other computer stores
mas wahjoe (10/09/2017 13:22)
Aqil Akram (03/07/2017 05:01)
Main place for looking a new gadget and anything that related to smartphone, PC and others
Sapario Teknik (24/06/2017 02:23)
Good place for shop and eat
Akbar Giuliano (14/04/2017 07:09)
Big electronics mall in Bandung, it has a many sellers there
Fernando Mulia (23/03/2017 06:30)
One Stop place for all of your cellular need
Asep Syarifudin (18/01/2017 19:33)
Many choices with good prices
ivant prayoga (12/09/2016 09:46)
good place for electronic or gadget tool
Vincentius Albert (19/08/2016 02:39)
Good place to seacrh phone or laptop
Talitha Sabella (25/08/2016 14:59)
Pelayanannya cukup oke sayang harga masih diatas rata rata
Robert Hendrik Liembono (25/07/2016 07:59)
Segala ada buat gmhp,smartphone,pri ter dll
Kris Iswanto Siswoyo (27/06/2016 11:16)
Lengkap, semua ada.
Bioskop, supermarket, coffeeshop semuanya ada
Hilman Azis (16/03/2016 09:10)
Pilihan hpnya lengkap... Hrga pas.
Quzwen Mbc (02/02/2016 15:28)
Banyak pilihan hp dan lengkap, tapi harus pandai memilih toko dan banding2 harga
Krisman bangun (07/12/2015 01:33)
Lengkap dan mahal...