Komentar :
Roghib Fakhri (03/05/2018 08:41)
A nice place for studying how to life independently. By optimized nature's work and what Allah has given a lot of amazing thing.
dedeh nuryati (20/09/2017 06:45)
nice place, 100% organic 👌👌
Ine kurniasih (20/09/2017 06:39)
Nicee placeee
Novalia Maharani (06/07/2017 06:02)
You can learn things about healthy and organic food from Kang Lucky, the friendly owner. Highly recommended place to play and learn.
ridwan nur Saefudin (05/07/2017 03:02)
A great place to learn and fun, how we get more nature into our life with "permaculture" ways...Best wish for your success, pak Luky.
Zulfikar Pamungkas (03/06/2017 15:08)
- away from city noise
- friendly owner
- many things you can learn here
Dhayita Mahandani (16/06/2017 09:59)
Lots to see and learn!
Risti Ulfha (24/03/2017 17:54)
friendly owner!!!!!
Peggy Sjahbuddin (16/09/2016 23:29)
It's like a second home.
hilman firdaus (22/07/2016 15:02)
Best of all
Muhammad Irfan Rusydi (10/06/2016 16:17)
nice place, 100% organic food
Arifin ChosenOne (02/04/2016 07:18)
Best of the best.. 100% organik food
Adi Herdiana (15/03/2016 05:22)
Amazing, All about organic healthy food was here
Luluk Tjahjadi (17/08/2016 00:39)
Niis uy
Anhar Solehudin (21/06/2016 21:48)
Mantap nih. Udh ky rumah sndiri aja klo disini. Nyaman banget. Recomended bgt buat yg mau nyantei2 di pegunungan
Arif Muhammad S. (06/04/2016 13:32)
Cool, awesome!!
Mila T. Wanda (04/04/2016 01:02)
Tempatnya bagus. Kereennn. Apalagi kegiatannya.. Sukses terus rumah kayuu!!