Komentar :
Ardiansyah Saesar (08/03/2019 13:16)
Many times to hospital, but this is the worst one, the administratif was so cruel
Anisatul Karimah (25/01/2019 01:50)
The place is easy to reach as it is right beside the street.
The staff are friendly and the services in emergency unit and dentist are quite fast. However, when my friend was visiting the obgyn (midwife section), it took a long time.
If it us your first time, you need to take queue number, fill in a form and have a hospital card made for you. Registration is closed before mid-noon, i guess. For your first time, there will be someone helping you in the information desk. The BPJS queue of course is much longer than other types of patients.
Parking lots are quite large, especially the one in IGD section. There are lots of chairs for you to wait. There are also toilets outside the hospital for visitors, next to the parking lot. Mushola is far behind the hospital. At this time, it is being renovated. There is also a bakery and a mini market right in the front of the hospital you dont need to worry if you are hungry. You can also find many food stalls around the hospital.
I had a silly experience with my friend. She got the prescription but the hospital drugstore runs out of it so we need to go to other drugstores. However, the pharmacists dont know how to read the writing, haahaa, we need to come back to the hospital to clarify as the doctor could not be reached by phone. Maybe the doctors need to get their writing better :D
maria damanik (19/11/2017 07:49)
Cheap and I can find my favourite powder here. ^^
satrio av (29/10/2017 06:52)
A simple hospital canteen with simple daily home cuisine serving and simple daily diary.
Eva Siagian (30/08/2017 07:20)
Because this place is one of my favorite hospital, so many change happen in this hospital
Cytha Shafira (10/04/2018 01:45)
Kalau Ke dokter spesialis Mah aga Lama sih , cuma , emang pelayanan nya bagus , Bersih , ramah ,cepat , good
Veranyca Handoko (13/03/2018 06:55)
RS dengan pelayanannya yang ramah, sopan, dan memuaskan. semua u dokter talkative. open for research.
rumah sakitnya cukup padat. tapi luas
Arun Nur Karunia (05/12/2017 09:14)
Overall, good hospital... although some things have been disappointing.
Benknoise (11/10/2017 16:26)
Rudy Outbound ciwangun (02/12/2016 05:06)
Hengky xt229 (16/11/2016 06:29)
Real address
Syaqira Harangeli (12/10/2017 09:17)
Sangat kecewa saya d operasi d sni belum sembuh2 malah infeksi,pelayanan yg ga baik sangat kecewa
Cece (26/08/2017 15:33)
Pasien BPJS nya banyak banget jadinya ya periksa pasien dan ngambil obat di apotek ngantrinya lama
Una Lycious (21/08/2017 00:58)
Registrasi nya lebih cepat dg fasilitas registrasi online.
Wing Wirjawan (09/06/2017 03:16)
daftar mau USG sampai jam 10.30 dokter USG nya masih belum datang....
Tommy Pratomo (02/03/2017 04:27)
Proses asministrasi bertele tele, dokter cuma sedikit , pasien bejibun dan pasien antri lama. Fasilitas minim dan Jadoel, harusnya dirombak total seiring kebutuhan jaman.
Widya Ningrum (17/02/2017 02:07)
Didukung registrasi online, memudahkan dan mempersingkat dalam registrasi. Hanya tetap antri lama di klinik dan apotik. Jam mulai praktek dokter (kedatangan dokter; awal pemanggilan pasien di klinik) tergantung dokter.
noviana kusumawati (16/02/2017 14:09)
Sy tidak suka saat pelayanan apotek nya mangkir dari janji. Sy telpon berkali-kali untuk menanyakan kesediaan obat di atas jam 8 malam selalu direject. Pdhl sudah datang dua kali ke sana obat ttp blm tersedia. Kl ditanyakan kpn, sy dianjurkan tlp lg di atas jam 8 mlm tp ttp di reject.
Pelayanan dokter, admin, apotek sebenarnya sdh baik dan ramah. Hal yg g sy sukai adalah mereka php in sy dgn menyuruh tlp untuk menanyakan ketersediaan obat tp ttp selalu merejectnya
Jd mohon bagian pelayanan obat untuk lebih memperhatikan hal tsb.
Kebetulan obat ini paten harga mahal, saat sy tanya kl beli diluar gimana, staf apotek dgn ramah menjawab jgn beli di luar krn ini obat paten, mahal, lagipula dicover oleh bpjs dan sy sdh byr bpjs.
Sy sedikit terharu, biasanya kl obat generik diberikan dokter dan g ada staf apotek langsung bilang beli aja di luar, kali ini tidak karena itu sy tanyakan...
Tp kl sdh seminggu berlalu tdk ada kbr ttg obat bagaimana proses penyembuhan sedangkan sy harus kontrol ke dokter dlm wkt dua minggu.
Mohon pelayanan kesehatan di bagian penyediaan obat lbh ditingkatkan lagi
Rudy Outbound ciwangun indah camp (02/12/2016 05:06)
stefanus hengky (16/11/2016 06:29)
Real address