Komentar :
James Williamto (14/04/2018 13:27)
Very nice place to study
riky romadi (02/12/2017 15:01)
saving tears to my friends tears of baptis laurentius thsnks memories of to univercity khatholic parahyangan my to rec cycle
Nathanael Adrian (02/10/2017 03:26)
Danus for lyfe
Albert Gregorius (30/09/2017 02:49)
Hometown Glory, Diverse Students from every nation.
Erry Deodata (07/08/2017 10:03)
Miss the place.
High quality and friendly lecturers, combined with beautiful scenery makes this one of the best place to study in Bandung.
Agung Suryatama (31/01/2017 07:13)
After I graduated SMU St Aloysius, I actually wanted to continue study over there. However, I can't. I was going to UCLA at LA and after that I was going to STMIK LIKMI at Bdg.
fauzia ifa (26/10/2017 07:46)
Missin' my (old) campus 😍
Inno MoguMogu (23/08/2017 15:51)
The best place to be graduated...
Daniel Rudianto (08/06/2017 23:50)
A very nice place to study :)
Konfrikardo Bintang (07/06/2017 07:18)
One of great Law Faculty in Bandung City, even could be in Indonesia
Fernando Mulia (21/03/2017 13:31)
One of The Best and Oldest Private University in Indonesia
Sedot Wc Purwakarta 081214717768 (12/02/2017 13:44)
makin jaya
Albert Sumarno (12/08/2016 12:22)
Dosen pelit nilai? Banget, apalagi FH-nya. But that's the reason why their alumnus are among the best practitioners in the country. They never lower their standard.
Gisella Thiofanny (02/08/2016 09:16)
good luck on finding your parking space here!
AG (23/07/2016 14:16)
One of the best university in Bandung, and very well known because of the quality. Several artist or other well known people are graduated from this university.
Firman Sidiq (02/10/2016 03:35)
I love their respect for differences. Getting good grades are hard though. But still worth it!
Naomi Chrysantia (10/06/2016 00:37)
This campus has a conducive environment to support academic activities
Nakumi 360 (08/06/2016 06:10)
nice, good view
Stevan Konstansius (23/04/2016 17:36)
One of the best private university in Bandung
Ivan Hindrawan (17/01/2016 06:57)
Kuliah masa depann
rian irawan (13/11/2015 18:02)
UNiversitas Parkir bayAR 😁😁