Komentar :
Ginar Santika Niwanputri (18/06/2019 13:18)
Nice and green
Feriyadi Ramansyah (28/01/2018 00:01)
Tempat kerja owe. A state-owned company (BUMN). Focusing on vaccine, biopharmaceutical products, biological products
Hendra Andi Kurniawan (17/09/2017 04:04)
U can rent this building for multi event like a wedding cermony, but its to small if u want to invite >1000 person . Parking so small and access from city its great.
Aep Saefuddin (24/02/2016 08:02)
Old is Gold, established in 1920, best quality vaccine in affodable price
MASJID AL ISTIQOMAH (30/08/2015 13:53)
Adyanti Rahmarina (10/08/2017 09:09)
One of heritage building and the biggest vacvine company in Indonesia and serve the vaccine to more that 124 country
Hengky xt229 (12/05/2017 08:41)
Real address and nice view
Dedi Mulyadi Rusnandar (19/08/2016 02:59)
Great Heritage Building, Established since 6 Agustus 1890
Heri K (08/09/2017 02:20)
Kunjungan Management Telkom ke Bio Farma
a,moch. Resa (31/08/2017 07:08)
great place
stefanus hengky (12/05/2017 08:41)
Real address and nice view
Clint R (27/04/2017 20:51)
Criminal mafia
Maula Zahara (15/02/2017 04:56)
Historical building with green environment
Azzura Lina (06/09/2016 14:26)
Great building, a friend working there.
Jajat Sudrajat (10/11/2015 02:54)
Kebanggaan bangsa untuk dunia.
chandra Arip Hidayat (19/06/2015 12:34)
great heritage building
Engkus Kusnandar (16/05/2015 12:15)