Komentar :
Firman Juliansyah (19/05/2018 12:55)
So so crowded. Before coming here, someone should reserve about five weeks before trough website or android apps.
Nikolai Sergeev (23/03/2018 06:09)
never come here again ,they showing bad face of Indonesia ,they regulation is awful ,I couldn't extend my tourist visa without spending a lot of time and energy.
Heng Dju Ong (15/02/2018 17:10)
Better way of queueing as it has to be done before by appointment, but the down side is when the designated immigration office is full then no choice but to pick another immigration office location.
Meta Indriyani (23/01/2018 22:35)
I am surprised to know that the system in applying and extending passport has changed into Online. Its better though. so if you want to apply, you need to register your self on immigration officials website or download apps Imigrasi anrian on your GooglePlay or iOS.
The service in this office quiete good, but tend to be lagged, because some software just old and never get update and it crashed everytime so it makes long queue.
The things that I feel not comfortable is that the toilet located a bit far, not in the room. You need to get out of the room near the canteen.
It has canteen, photocopy shop, and toilet outside. This office open the service at 9.00 (trust me). Its loctated in surapati street you can easily find it.
Gustav Aditya Permana (19/01/2018 12:14)
Bad system (online) ==> please evaluate it... 5.40 PM still waiting.
Got my turn on 8 PM. Respect for their responsibilities..
Ibeth Miu (14/07/2017 05:45)
Satisfied with the service. You just need to come early morning to get good queue number.
Rya Yuliati (08/09/2017 01:23)
Staff not a humble, not smile,, it's not good customer service,,
Faza (16/06/2017 17:37)
This service must be improve again.
Konfrikardo Bintang (07/06/2017 00:49)
Extending Passport becomes faster and simpler!!!
Alexander Diva (05/05/2017 08:56)
Crowded and hard to get in, slow queue
Very tiny parking space, I can't
Cliff Marcel Lugiman (04/05/2017 06:15)
Cannot be reached by phone. If so, please eliminate the number from your website, etc.
Plus, online passport online cannot be accessed. It's 3 months already.
Please, improve your service quality.
Haryady Candra (31/01/2017 01:01)
very long queue.. slow service
Alya Kananda (16/12/2016 04:52)
Not friendly at all, not as front officer of extension visa staff must do. Where is the quality of consument?
okinawa post (10/12/2016 14:24)
Hot News (09/09/2016 14:27)
Fedora Fei (29/05/2016 04:53)
I had a great experience while trying to get my passport done. I came in the morning, had a bit queue for giving the required administration files, then I had the interview and finally took the photo. It was done in less than 3 hours. After paying the cost if the passport through the government bank, I came there again to take the passport. It took me less than 1 week to get everything done. Totally satisfied with the service.
To make sure the process going without a hitch, you should have all the required administration and be there first thing in the morning. Hopefully, you will also get it done faster.
Agung Prasetyo (14/09/2016 11:22)
Sistem udh oke. Petugasnya cukup ramah melayani. Datang sepagi mungkin yaa. Antreannya banyak.
ikhsan triadi (28/05/2016 08:55)
yang bikin petugasnya pada nggak ramah,sistemnya udah baik,jadi mggak bisa dipersulit kayak dulu..
capt howdy (24/01/2016 21:02)
Tukang parkir motor dibelakang pungutan liar
Netty Ratnawaty (09/06/2015 02:23)
Baru selesai poto dll, dftr via online dtg jam07 dpt antrian no 5, jam 08 dah kelar.. Sipp. Sayang yg periksa arsip saat wawancara pagi2 udah jutek.. :D
Fathiemah Mardiana (29/07/2013 12:22)
macet ga besok