Komentar :
the sleepwalker (22/04/2018 00:30)
Budget hotel with strategic location. The building is mix between old and new building, lot of room you can choose from economic room to suite room. Lot of parking lot, delicious breakfast, clean room.
Novita Dwi Putri Lestari (21/04/2018 04:55)
Cheap and good
Fajar Kurniawan (06/04/2018 03:08)
Lumayan nyaman
Sami Kalamallah (27/02/2018 10:53)
What a nice place with a good costumer service
Widyatama Bin Sucahyana (25/02/2018 11:50)
Good place, all staff are friendly and courteous. Breakfast : so so
Anie sa (15/12/2017 14:16)
Cheap but clean and nice
Ari Muslim (09/04/2017 19:04)
This hotel super affordable with good things in the room
Andrie Soemantri (07/08/2017 03:00)
Nice hotel
Adrian Putra (26/03/2017 19:50)
nice,vintage hotel
Rizky Hilmawan (26/03/2017 05:25)
Good rest good service
Cecep Sihabudin (06/03/2017 09:10)
Nice hotel in center city , good berak fast
Toar Lukki Rogi (15/01/2017 14:57)
Cozy place
razzaaqtegar (11/01/2017 20:29)
Nice place, good service and cozy room
willy martin (03/01/2017 15:06)
Nice hotel...
Reza Nurhakim (17/12/2016 02:02)
Option for quick book
salahuddin muhammad (10/10/2016 05:10)
a cute hotel in bandung
Sri Lestariani (08/09/2016 02:20)
Not bad lah utk harga segitu. Tapi waktu saya nginap, 1 kamar luasnya beda dgn 1 lg yg saya pesan. Hrsnya sih saya lgsg complain ya. Makanan pas sarapan kurang byk, kmrn cm ada 2 lauk dan 1 sayur, roti with selai, teh kopi, jus jeruk. Kwetiaunya hambar 😑😑
Kenzy Edy (01/09/2016 10:09)
Good hotel to stay
faridah fang (02/07/2016 07:20)
IG, Twitter: benuahotel ♡
Bhakti Maulana Asnar (30/06/2016 03:21)
Cukup baik... Terus tambah luas, masih berbenah, kmrn kartu kunci blm disetting, jadi ngga bisa masuk, untung ada teman di lantai yang sama, jadi bisa numpang telpon.
Air panasnya kelamaan.... Sayang kalo harus buang air, nyalakan keran 5 menit nunggu air jadi panas..
Alex Iwan (21/04/2016 11:41)
de Soleh (09/02/2016 23:47)
Pas lokasinya
Nicko Felani (01/01/2015 13:38)
first love lah sama sang wife... :D
Beni Benyamin (06/01/2013 04:29)
Clean, good service and cheap
Tunjung Prasetyo (13/10/2012 10:17)
Not bad..lmyn bersih tp pas kebagian shower rusak :)