Komentar :
Syifa Adilah (15/02/2020 07:04)
A superfun place to play with friends or alone because so many games here
Yudi Yanuar (28/07/2019 13:00)
Cheaper for bumper car and kids will be fun with the games
achmad sandy (09/07/2019 07:08)
It is a good place to bring your kids
Taryn Taryn (22/03/2019 12:31)
Fun place for kiddos and also parents..
Lattaphie Ann (05/03/2019 07:42)
I really like playing the game in game master. Because, they have really many games. The place is clean. The employee is verry humble and the price is normally for playing games in the mall.
Erni Nuraini (24/12/2017 07:35)
Great place to have fun with your kids.
Kathy Catz (22/03/2019 12:31)
Fun place for kiddos and also parents..
Go Anna (05/03/2019 07:42)
I really like playing the game in game master. Because, they have really many games. The place is clean. The employee is verry humble and the price is normally for playing games in the mall.
mohamad ziko (01/11/2018 15:37)
Indah Widowati (14/10/2018 12:41)
Worth it
Delonix Regia (11/10/2018 05:28)
Masa saya mau minta plastik buat tempat boneka, harus gesek kartu sih? Plastik doang. Irit banget yang jaga. Selain itu, di tempat lain bisa tukar boneka dari claw machine asal satu jenis. Lha ini, saya tukar beda warna pun tak boleh.
Tapi yang paling bikin saya ketawa, ya pas minta plastik itu. Ha ha, segitu mahalnya ya plastik?
I spent much money on their machines. More than hundred thousands rupiah. And they didn't give me a plastic bag when I asked for their help. OMG. π *laughing
rizal saputra (20/05/2018 05:01)
Nice place
Faizul Rahman (26/12/2017 11:05)
Had fun
Aulia Nurul Hasanah (23/12/2017 15:14)
Have fun
Melida Lie (23/04/2017 07:03)
Kiddos favouriteππ
Manuel K (19/07/2013 04:53)
Great Place to bring your family
mefi suhanda (17/09/2017 03:41)
Banyak gamenya...arena bermain yg disenangi anak-anak...
ana (22/06/2017 08:24)
Bocah bocah betah kalo diajak kesini, mainan nya banyak.
Masadi Sukma (14/03/2017 22:04)
Jenis permainan nya bnyak, tapi maen basket masa ga dapet tiket. Ga hanya basket, ada bbrrp permainan juga yg gadapet tiket
indah rahayu (31/12/2016 11:13)
maen basket ga dapet karcis. π₯
main boneka cakarnya ga ada yg kuat. π£
main main ajalah jangan ngarep banyak dapet karcis πΆ
kalo pertama datang harus beli kartu dulu dan langsung diisi saldo. harga kartu 2500 saja
Akhmad Belasting (18/11/2016 08:09)
banyak sekali jenisnya.. dan gak terlalu rame
w2415u (01/08/2014 02:57)
nice place
Manuel Hizkia (19/07/2013 04:53)
Great Place to bring your family