Komentar :
Willy Marlian (29/03/2018 15:35)
The biggest church in town. Nice place for Sunday service and other Christian's activities
Andreas Suherman (10/03/2018 10:03)
place to worship, read bible and praise Jesus....
Ricardo Maspaitella (01/02/2018 10:44)
Good place for worship and wedding ceremony.
Troffi Efendi (13/01/2018 20:29)
Great services
Erwin Lin (30/07/2017 03:59)
my church when I'm in Bandung... good place for worship God, and a lot of good people too here...
Isak Muliana (31/05/2017 06:35)
Terkadang kebaktian dan pelayanan music disini. ^_^
John Healty Christian (07/05/2017 11:42)
Good place, good people
Amos Ams (03/05/2017 08:46)
tempat ibadah di jalan pasirkaliki
billy tisna (22/04/2017 07:35)
Best place to worship
Sonny Heriawan (23/07/2016 03:03)
Keren lah pokoknya