Komentar :
Dorky Kidleader (23/02/2018 08:53)
Good place to stay feels the islamic concept in here
c alfi syahria (15/01/2018 07:53)
Nice places
Bram Penumbra (07/12/2017 02:47)
Cozy place, with islamic atmosphere..
Fery Satria (04/06/2017 06:48)
The moslem ambiance
Zet Bee (12/01/2017 02:45)
Recomended for any purposes in Islamic Nuance
thalia nandya (08/08/2017 20:34)
Cozy place
shinta rahayu shinta (12/04/2017 14:25)
Beatiful place
darwan endang (22/11/2016 01:44)
Nice place to relax
Devi A Setiawan (13/11/2016 23:08)
For moslem, this hotel keeps you close to the owner of this world....
Irvan Darwis (07/10/2016 02:57)
Oasis in the middle of the crowd of gegerkalong
Edward Hafudiansyah (13/09/2016 02:32)
Relaxing your Mind...This is cozy place
Harry Renren (21/06/2016 06:50)
Enak tempatnya, strategis
Fadli Rahmawan (04/06/2016 15:10)
penginapannya lumayan. walopun tidak ac, udaranya sejuk
Abdillah Fuad (31/05/2016 23:52)
Nyaman, nuansa pedesaan ditengah Kota Bandung
Herman Man (06/06/2014 13:39)
Anda mau itikaf di mesjid Daarut Tauhid? Sy anjurkan menginap di Daarul Jannah
Fauzi Maulana (07/08/2013 03:48)