Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Commercial Paskal Hyper Square

Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat
Klasifikasi: Restaurant, Cafe, Bakery, dan Bar, Toko
Alamat: Paskal Hyper Square 23, Jl. Pasir Kaliki, Kb. Jeruk, Andir, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40171, Indonesia
Rating: 4.30
Telp: +62 22 86061098
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Komentar :

上田マツ (27/05/2018 07:42)
Tempatnya luas bagus dan banyak pilihan. Tempat yang cozy buat kongkow ataupun mau sekedar hunting foto lumayan juga ada spot spot yg bagus asalkan bisa mencari angle yang tepat dan pas. Disini juga banyak sekali cafeteria, tempat karoke, shopping center, cgv etc. Memang tempat yang lengkap untuk hiburan, berbelanja dan nongkrong. Benar benar tempat yang strategis selain itu tempat ini dekat dengan Chinatown ditambah lagi tidak terlalu jauh dari stasiun Bandung jadi aksesnya begitu mudah jika mau ke tempat ini.

Anastasia Cynthia (02/05/2018 14:45)
Love it love it. So crowded. But lovely

Ayu Tri Novita (16/04/2018 06:18)
Love the outdoor live music~ A little bit pricey for the food.

Indah Setianingsih (03/04/2018 02:02)
Nice place to hang out with your friends. Lots of food choices are available here. It is very crowded at weekend though, you minght have little trouble in finding parking spot there :')

Alvin Wirawan (22/03/2018 01:20)
The newest addition of mall in Bandung with great selection of tenant and commercial complex surrounding the mall building. They even have a big outdoor foodcourt behind the mall which offers wide variety of indonesian food. But the mall itself not as big as others so it’s not really satisfying walking around there.

amelia safitri (18/02/2018 09:23)
Nice place to eat variety food at the Paskal Food Market. A little bit overpriced and the taste is quite different with original store. But if you are coming with family and want different food type, this is the perfect place to go.

Afryzal Faringga (24/01/2018 16:19)
Major commercial center in the heart of Bandung, Paskal Hypersquare is where you can find almost anything you're looking for, including entertainments. Oh, and they also have a pretty sweet food court with an open air concept. Cool place to spend an afternoon. Be wary though, prices are pretty high inside the complex, but the experience alone, I think, is worth the money you spend.

WP Tan (28/11/2017 08:29)
Variety of delicious Sudanese food, and other cuisines too (Japanese, Chinese etc). There's a live band. Plenty of seats around the area in a chilled environment.

Note that some areas are not covered so be ready when it rains.

Tips for first time visitor:

1. You need to order what you want from the stall, take the receipt to the payment counter (there's only few around), then bring the paid receipt back to the stall and handover the receipt.

2. Don't forget to let the stall know your table number too, so they can deliver to you.

Novrizal Herdananto (04/11/2017 09:24)
don't see much attraction here. just go to the paskal food court..

Sharas Purbaya (25/10/2017 08:18)
You can found So many kind of food in here. From traditional food until modern food. If you go to here please try bolu bakar tunggal it’s very delicious dessert with cheap price. Only 33k at Paskal Food Market.

Felix Horusman (09/10/2017 11:12)
Pretty good place to taste culinary from many places. Pretty costly though.

AG (07/07/2017 16:06)
One of great shophouse that can be found in Bandung. Here, you can find food shops and other kind of shop (ex. Indomaret, Christian Book Shop, Spa and Karaoke). I love the lanterns that make something festive in this place. The parking lots is many, but if you don't get the place, you can park your vehicles at Paskal 23. Be careful and watch your steps if you are a pedestrian.

ferry Wijaya (03/07/2017 03:33)
One of the many tourist destinations in Bandung. You can find most Bandung culinary foods here.... There is also a new mall in this complex....

This conplex can also get very crowded during high seasons, weekends, holiday season...

Rizqy Puspitasari (14/05/2017 08:59)
So many food stalls with great ambience! The favorite one is iga bakar pak jangkung and some kind of bola2 ubi as snack.

intelli design (08/05/2017 11:59)
Cozy place to hangouts and have some wonderful dinner with friends and families many food stands to choose from Eastern to Western menu.

Avriyoni Anes (26/04/2017 12:42)
If you looking for something that has ages but comfort. Come here.

Frida Kurniawati (24/04/2017 09:50)
There's a lot of menu choices here, varied from snacks to heavy meal. The night view is comforting but if you get the outdoor table, you will eat with under the shadowy condition.

Sun 順 (23/04/2017 04:05)
Not reviewing about the place, but the easy shortcut to avoid traffic jam at jl pasir kaliki & kbn jati. Pay IDR 3.000 to save alot of time

Adrianto Oktavianus (17/03/2017 05:19)
It's a office, trading and culinary area which also have a hotel and university (soon).

Gari Nurahman (11/02/2017 12:05)
The place was well organized, but there's no mosque only a little stinky place for pray

Rahmi Septiari (02/02/2017 10:37)

Tri Agus (12/01/2017 00:30)
Its big place

Prima Hastama (31/12/2016 00:12)
Just a shophouse, but the foodcourt is good...

R Fahsa (18/05/2016 16:34)
If you need some local food destination, there's plenty of options in here

Michael Kesuma (31/08/2016 09:41)
Rame makannya.

Harto Mulyono (02/08/2016 13:23)
mau Wisata kuliner? ya disini tempatnya

Alex Iwan (26/04/2016 02:40)

adi g bli (19/08/2015 14:23)
Ngeunah euy

Haryono Phang (18/07/2015 11:09)
The place where all the best food in bandung is pooled. Head down to the food market where you will find 1100 different kind of food to suit your tastebud

rhesa januar (27/12/2013 10:49)
One dvd dihyper blah mana? Ya?

Tempat Lainnya :

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    Jl. Cigadung Raya Barat No.2, Cigadung, Cibeunying Kaler, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40191, Indonesia
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  10. CODEART Coffee
    Jl. Dago Asri IV No.4, Dago, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 896-9550-4556
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