Komentar :
arlista putri (17/04/2018 11:40)
So peaceful in here.. stayed with beautiful forrest and there's three hot water pool.
Neni Ratnasari Koswara (09/03/2018 03:29)
It's often very crowded on weekend and weekday. It has 3 swimming pools; shallow, middle and deeper pools. The water is good for therapy, but sometimes it is not so clean because of too many visitors. The parking lot also need improvement. Fyi, it also available for camping.
andy sugengp (24/02/2018 14:20)
It is nice. There is a warm swimming pool even I didn't swim because I went there not for swimming.
It is green, very suitable for adventurer because it has camping area.
But for family, it has cottages.
But I dont know about the interior of the cottage because I just visitted there.
Ancah Anc (24/12/2017 11:47)
Natural mountain hot spring water pool open 24/7 good for group gathering
Whidie Prasadhana (07/08/2017 00:56)
Really good place to spend your weekend here. This is so cool very nature and also have a hot spiring pool
Christian L (10/07/2017 14:44)
This place are suck! Water are too hot. Nobody were swim in the pool. Toilets 2000 IDR and no free private area even just a changing room.
Arian Iskandar (19/11/2017 00:21)
Berendam dulu
Komara Pertamini (14/11/2017 07:10)
Ksatria Petir (09/09/2017 05:24)
nice view, bad services
dian hardiansyah (02/07/2017 13:32)
Air nya ngak kayak dulu
Yulia Rahmawati (02/04/2017 01:47)
Have a good cottage, natural with good fresh air and view. But the toilet is not quite good.
Kuswara Kusuma (10/03/2017 05:11)
Insyaalloh rombongan tamansari bawah 20 bdg mau liburan ke cimaggu tgl 26 maret 2017,
Untuk permainan anak minta di tambahin lagi biar ga berebutan, hehe
Danty Rustandi (06/02/2017 23:44)
Pemandian air panas yang lumayan nyaman, tapi saat liburan atau weekend datanglah sedikit agak pagi untuk menghindari ramainya orang.
Anton Hidayat (10/01/2017 14:13)
triyono Bin M.dakim (21/12/2016 02:53)
Pertama kali lihat di internet berharap tempatnya bagus,tetapi pas sampai di tempat...wow amazing..berantakan banget...parkir bayar 2x,kolam air panas ga full,jalanan dari parkiran rusak,kamar mandi kotor,ngantri lagi( dari 5-6 kamar mandi yg saya lihat cuma 2 atau 3 yang dibuka) ditambah tukang jajanan banyak + harga mahal..tuk pengelola tolong dong diperbaiki..saya rasa jika fasilitas bagus akan makin banyak orang yg mengunjungi dan yang pasti pendapatan pun akan naik...sekian kritik dan saran
dari saya trims..semoga bermanfaat
Yohanida Nuruzzahra (12/11/2016 21:48)
The cottage is not worth it. Banyak fasilitas yang rusak di dalam kamar dan kurang bersih. Pengelola (Perhutani) kurang profesional juga.
Iwan Kusnandar (02/08/2016 23:51)
Jenal aroki wijaya (21/08/2016 07:52)
dingin bingits
agus setiawan (11/08/2016 18:14)
Nyaman dan asrih
Nusi Yani (09/07/2016 19:44)
Melysia Erlinda (07/07/2016 23:10)
Abang Toko (03/06/2016 17:37)