Komentar :
Sharon Noor Alya (26/05/2018 10:40)
Cute cats, so-so Ice Cream, sadly poor hygiene it is very smelly and suffocating please upgrade not just cover the aroma with room freshener if it's still dirty it's worse :(
Ronald Kusnadi (19/05/2018 18:00)
Not suitable for tourist. The place is really a small house. Its smell really bad n they dont take care of the place.
Uyuy Elnas (01/05/2018 14:13)
Baru mampir ke sana hari ini,, ekspektasi lumayan tinggi karena ngecek di instagram dan webnya sepertinya tempatnya bersih dan higenis.. tp ketika sampai sedikit kecewa karena kondisi TKP tidak sesuai dengan apa yang dilihat di internet
Kucingnya bagus2, rasnya bermacam2, sepertinya yg ada di web ada semua tadi pas saya datang.. british shorthair favorit saya karena bulunya sangat lembut dan hangat.. seperti boneka saya di rumah..
sayangnya kucing2nya banyak yang sakit.. terutama 1 scottish foldnya sakit parah di mata kirinya berlendir (sampai sepertinya sudah buta sebelah?) dan bersin2.. dan tidak di karantina, dibiarkan main begitu saja berkeliaran 1 ruangan dengan pengunjung..
Kebersihan kucingnya sendiri tidak terlalu bagus.. akan sangat terlihat dari kucing yg berbulu putih tidak terawat, kotor.. setidaknya kuku kucing2nya sudah dipotong rapi saat saya cek..
Arena bermain kucing pun tidak terawat.. bulu2 kucing yg rontok dibiarkan begitu saja sampai menggumpal di arena bermain.. berdebu juga.. beberapa bahkan kondisinya sudah tidak bagus
Sedikit kecewa akan kondisi kucing2nya, ketika makanan (eskrim) nya datang juga tidak cukup menghibur.. rasanya sangat standard, tidak ada yang istimewa, dan menurut saya toppingnya terlalu banyak untuk 1 scoop es krim yg disajikan..
Hati2 ketika hendak menyantap eskrim, salah satu kucing yang ber-ras Bengal sepertinya terbiasa untuk merebut es krim pengunjung, waktu saya datang ada pengunjung yang kesulitan mengusir kucing tersebut yang hendak memakan es krimnya.. dan ketika es krim saya tiba pun kucing tsb menghampiri saya dan "meminta"..
Yg paling mengkhawatirkan adalah tempat potty para kucing tersebut 1 ruangan dengan tempat pengunjung makan dan bermain dengan kucing.. bau pesing sangat menyengat.. yang tadinya saya pikir satu jam akan terasa kurang, ini saya tidak sampai satu jam sudah pulang dr lokasi karena bau pesing yang membuat pusing..
Satu2nya yang menghibur kekecewaan saya adalah hand sanitizer yang terletak di dekat pintu masuk/keluar area bermain.. setidaknya tidak perlu khawatir kalau lupa bawa barang tsb kemari karena mereka menyediakan..
Saya harap tempat ini lebih bisa terurus lagi, karena sangat sayang kucing2 di sini sudah bagus, tapi tempat tidak ter-manage dengan baik..
Garin Muhammad (16/04/2018 10:44)
Good ice cream and cats, but sometimes the playing room smells
M. Ridho Epo Pratama (08/04/2018 12:45)
Koleksi kucingnya banyak dan dari berbagai jenis, tempatnya juga nyaman, buat kalian yang punya kucing tempat ini highly recommended, Bersih juga
Desi Ratnasari (01/03/2018 04:53)
If you cat lovers, this place very cozy to play with cat and eat ice cream. This cafe have many kinds type of cat.
Ahmad Farras (24/02/2018 13:14)
Good, but they need to clean the place more often. It's a bit pricey when it only ice cream and cat
Muhammad Hari Diputera (30/12/2017 14:08)
The Ice Cream was adequate. For 50k IDR, you get to choose one flavour, two toppings, plus a bonus topping of Nutella and half a Pocky stick. The portion isn't the most, but you're also buying 1 hour playtime with the cats.
The cats, on the other hand, were depressing. Giving credit where it's due, the cats looked well fed. But that's about the only thing about the cats welfare that was commendable.
The place felt overcrowded: there were upwards of 10 cats there, in a relatively confined space (less than 30m² I would guess).
The placed smelled bad. They did an okay job covering it up with strategically placed air purifiers and placing those lemon scented cakes on its exhaust, but it's kinda hard to mask the smell of cat urine.
The cats had multiple toilets, enough for all of them, but it looked like it wasn't cleaned frequently enough, to the point that the cats became reluctant to use it and had to resort to urinating in the corner on the walls.
The cats themselves were not on the best of hygiene. The white cats had very dirty fur, especially on their paws. Many cats had some sort of eye irritation. A few even had respiratory problems that they wheezed when breathing.
On the topic of cats, many of them weren't sterilised; bringing this many unspayed/unneutered cats has risks of fights breaking out and the males getting into literal pissing contests. I expected a place like this should encourage responsible petkeeping behavior. As far as I was concerned, only one cat was neutered: one very timid Bengal cat.
There were also two mothers and their litters who were up for adoption. I sincerely hope it is an actual adoption instead of a sale.
To be honest, I had no trouble with the smell; I have owned several cats and I knew what I was getting into. It's the living conditions that I have dissatisfied with. I hope the proprietors of Cats and Ice Cream can improve upon this.
Nadira Nan W (15/08/2017 11:02)
The place is really smelly, even for me a cat lover. I couldn't sit with comfort lest I sit upon peed material, let alone enjoy my ice cream. Limited parking area.
Most cats don't look healthy with overly watery eyes. Only few are active. At least they are familiar enough with human and of many kinds.
I don't think my Rp50.000 was worth the chance of playing with mostly sleeping cats in a smelly and damp room, for an hour at most, and 1 scoop of ice cream. Definitely not coming again unless there's improvement.
fajar sulistyaningsih (12/07/2017 06:57)
Most of the cats are active and sociable with humans. Visitors can play with many cute cats. Staffs are really polite. Cats are healthy and well-maintained.
I Gusti Putu Ananta Wiratmaja (12/07/2017 01:40)
The cats are healthy and treated well. Although the rooms can only maintain few people.
Gabriel Diana Sutera Kumaraningtyas (21/05/2017 15:34)
For cats lover...it's a heaven
Meydina Andreina (13/05/2017 06:45)
Really smelly i can't breath inside apalagi makan es krim 😩
f fries (28/04/2017 09:32)
Cute cats, tapi Pelayanan P A R A H . 3x dateng, 2x ga ada yg jaga. Nunggu lama. Uda gitu terakhir kali dateng, es krimnya L A M A. Dateng baru SEJAM kemudian (iye batas sejam br dikirim kan hebat). Uda baru dateng sejam, SALAH lagi. Terserah.
Laila Rahmadani (23/02/2017 06:57)
I love it. The cat is so cute and friendly
Weresti K (10/01/2017 12:38)
The cats are super cute and well maintained but not so active (well.. cats haha).
Need to work more on sanitation since the place is indoor. It's really really smelly inside.
Has limited parking space but the ice cream tastes good.
P.S please treat the cats nicely and gently when you visit this place since i saw some people treated them harshly and forced them to sit on their lapse.
Dicky Toha (31/12/2016 04:53)
Only cat and ice cream
Lukman Hakim (14/12/2016 12:27)
Cats + Ice Cream = Heaven
Yudistira Nugraha (20/10/2016 08:07)
Cats many cats
Anita Listyani (23/08/2016 09:20)
Walaupun tempatnya nggak terlalu luas, tapi kucinh-kucing nya banyak dan lucu lucuu ❤ Es krimnya juga enak~
arindy putri febrina (03/08/2016 16:28)
Kucingnya lucu2 bgt! Asli bikin gemes :D es krim nya juga enak, tapi sayang tempat bermain nya ga begitu luas dan udaranya bau banget ☹️ dari sekian cats cafe yg pernah saya kunjungi, ini yg paling bau 😢
Saya kasih rating 3 bintang karna kucingnya yg super lucu dan tipenya yg lumayan bervariasi.
Iman Abdul Rachman (10/07/2016 10:49)
Indoor cats playground